Translational invariance not respected by TDVP algorithm

Hi ITensor community,

I am trying to study the real-time evolution of a system with periodic boundary conditions starting from a homogeneous state. For concreteness, let’s consider time evolution under a nearest-neighbour transverse-field Ising Hamiltonian starting form the state where all the spins are aligned along the nearest-neighbour interaction axis.
I read on the forum that, for simple models, the built-in OpSum should be able to correctly construct the pbc Hamiltonian. I have also read that the suggested algorithm for real-time evolution is TDVP.

The problem that I am encountering is that the translational invariance of the initial state is lost during time evolution (this problem becomes particularly pronounced for large times, though its manifestation is evident right from the initial stages). This can be seen by looking at the magnetisation profile \langle \sigma^z_\ell\rangle.
I have compared the TDVP time evolution with TEBD time evolution and the latter preserves translational invariance quite well (with the same values of time step, bond dimension and cutoff). I suspect that there is a way to make TDVP also work, but I could not find it, so I am reaching out to inquire if someone knows a potential remedy for this issue.

Thank you!!

Here is the example code upon which I have based my claims:

using ITensors
using ITensorTDVP

# ==============================================================================
# ==============================================================================

function H_ising(sites, h=2)
    N = length(sites)    
    os = OpSum()
    for j in 1:(N - 1)
        os += 1, "X", j, "X", j + 1
        os += h, "Z", j
    os += 1, "X", 1, "X", N
    os += h, "Z", N
    return MPO(os, sites)

N = 12
sites = siteinds("S=1/2", N)
ψ0 = productMPS(sites, n -> "X+")
H = H_ising(sites)

dt = 0.01
Nsteps = 100
χ = 50

tdvp_kwargs = (time_step=-1im*dt, normalize=false, maxdim=χ, cutoff=1.0e-10)

ψ_tdvp = tdvp(H, ψ0, -1im * dt * Nsteps; tdvp_kwargs)

@show magn_tdvp = expect(ψ_tdvp, "Sz");

# ==============================================================================
# ==============================================================================

function TEBD_ising(psi, cutoff, bond_dim_max, tau, Nsteps, h=2)        
    siti = siteinds(psi)
    LL = length(psi)
    gates = ITensor[] 
    for j=1:LL-1
        s0 = siti[j]
        s1 = siti[j+1]

        term1a = op("X",s0) * op("X",s1) 
        term2a = h * op("Z",s0) * op("Id",s1) 
        hj = term1a + term2a
        Gj = exp(-1.0im * tau/2 * hj)

    term1a = op("X", siti[1]) * op("X", siti[end]) 
    term2a = h * op("Id", siti[1]) * op("Z", siti[LL]) 
    hj = term1a + term2a
    Gj = exp(-1.0im * tau/2 * hj)
    append!(gates, reverse(gates));
    for step in 1:Nsteps
        psi = apply(gates, psi; cutoff=cutoff, maxdim = bond_dim_max) 

ψ_tebd = TEBD_ising(ψ0, 1E-10, χ, dt, Nsteps);

@show magn_tebd = expect(ψ_tebd, "Sz");
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The issue can be solved artificially increasing the bond dimension of the initial state. I understand now that this is a well known trick used in this kind of algorithms.

However one question remains: the issue is solved only if the (artificial) bond dimension of the initial state is set equal to the max bond dimension of the final state. If the former is e.g. 30 and the latter is 40, translational invariance is again lost. I do not really understand if there is a specific reason the 2TDVP cannot increase the bond dimension without making errors here (I guess the important info is projected out, but I wonder if there is a more precise argument).

You could try the global subspace expansion being developed in this PR: Basis extension method by emstoudenmire · Pull Request #24 · ITensor/ITensorTDVP.jl · GitHub

Also you can try using TEBD for the initial time evolution and then switch to TDVP.

Hi Matt, thanks a lot for your suggestions.

I’m checking out the global subspace expansion in the PR you mentioned. It seems to do exactly what I need (I have also read the related paper), however I’m having some troubles making it work. As you point out in the related comments section, the function expand and basis_expand rely on directsum_itensors, which is outdated. This results in the functions expand and basis_expand not passing the tests in tests_basis_extend.jl. So I was wondering: should I activate a specific environment in which the tests are passed? (Maybe an environment that runs an older version of ITensors.jl…) or is there any other workaround?

Thanks a lot again!

From the comments, it seems like Miles tested replacing directsum_itensors but didn’t update the PR.

@miles what’s that status of that? It seems like we should update that PR and get it merged.