Doubts regarding single-site TDVP implementation.


I am trying to implement single-site TDVP following this paper (Haegeman et al. (2016)). The algorithm is clearly described on page 8,Appendix B. First,I decided to go for only a single time step. My test system is
15-site Heisenberg model.

N = 15
cutoff = 1e-10

s = siteinds("S=1/2", N)

os = OpSum()
for j in 1:(N - 1)
    os += 0.5, "S+", j, "S-", j + 1
    os += 0.5, "S-", j, "S+", j + 1
    os += "Sz", j, "Sz", j + 1

H = MPO(os, s)
ψ = productMPS(s, n -> isodd(n) ? "Up" : "Dn")

dt=0.1 # delta t
num_time_steps = Int(tf/dt)
τ = 1im*dt

Now, I have tried to implement first only for left-to-right swap. The code is below.

function measure_Sz(psi,n)
    psi = ITensors.orthogonalize(psi,n)
    sn = siteind(psi,n)
    Sz = scalar(dag(prime(psi[n],"Site"))*op("Sz",sn)*psi[n])
    return real(Sz)
#ψ = productMPS(s, n -> isodd(n) ? "Up" : "Dn")


ha=1 # For left-to-right swap
for n=1:N-1
    #  left-to-right  sweep
    #This brings the orthogonality center to site n?
    println("Site : ",n," Current centre : ",ITensors.orthocenter(ψ))
    println("Before expo ",n)
    phi1, info = exponentiate(PH, -τ/2, phi1; ishermitian=hermitian , tol=exp_tol, krylovdim=krylovdim)
    info.converged==0 && throw("exponentiate did not converge")

    ψ[n] = phi1
    uinds = uniqueinds(phi1, ψ[n + 1])
    U, S, V = svd(phi1, uinds)
    ψ[n] = U
    phi0 = S * V
    if ha == 1
      ITensors.setleftlim!(ψ, n)
    elseif ha == 2
      ITensors.setrightlim!(ψ, n)
    set_nsite!(PH, 0)
    ITensors.position!(PH, ψ, n+1)
    phi0, info = exponentiate(PH, τ/2, phi0; ishermitian=hermitian , tol=exp_tol, krylovdim=krylovdim)
    phi0 ./= norm(phi0)
    ψ[n+1] =  ψ[n+1] * phi0
    if ha == 1
      ITensors.setrightlim!(ψ, n + 2)
    elseif ha == 2
      ITensors.setleftlim!(ψ, n )

#Evolve A_C (N,t)
#This brings the orthogonality center to site n?
println("Site : ",N," Current centre : ",ITensors.orthocenter(ψ))

println("Before expo ",N)
phi1, info = exponentiate(PH, -τ, phi1; ishermitian=hermitian , tol=exp_tol, krylovdim=krylovdim)
info.converged==0 && throw("exponentiate did not converge")

#Check if phi1 is normalised
(phi1 /= norm(phi1))

ψ[N] = phi1
ha=2 # right-to-left

As it turns out, this doesn’t ever increase the bond dimension off the MPS & the expectation values of Sz remains same as the initial one.
I know it is not the complete algo & we should also do the reverse swap. But shouldn’t just doing this step have some effect on bond dim/Sz (we are applying exponentiate here)?I guess I’m doing something wrong here but can’t figure out what I am missing.

I would really appreciate any suggestion.Thank you in advance.

Hi! I have got it in somewhat working condition. But I have 2 doubts.

i) If I start with a Neel state(Bond dim 1) for the same hamiltonian ,the 2-site algorithm gives magnetisation data but the 1-site TDVP gives only 0.5,-0.5 alternatively (i.e. same as the initial state).

On the other hand,starting with a random state gives values for both 1-site & 2-site. Is it not a good idea to use 1-site TDVP for initial product state?

ii) I am getting magnetisation values that are close but have notable difference with TEBD for time step 0.05.

Code here

Is there any issue with the cutoff dim?

I would really appreciate any help. Thank you in advance.

That’s great that you are working on implementing TDVP using ITensor. But it may help you to know that we have been working on an official TDVP implementation (including single-site) that will soon be released, and is already available (in ‘experimental’ mode) here:

Would using that code solve your problem?

About the growth of the bond dimension, in the plain single-site TDVP algorithm the bond dimension never grows. It’s just an aspect of how the algorithm works, and is viewed as something of a limitation of that algorithm. To deal with that fact, there have been a number of proposals of “subspace expansion” methods.

The other part, about the expectation values of Sz never changing, and your other post about starting from a bond-dimension-one state (product state) is likely explained by what I just discussed above, that in the single-site TDVP the bond dimension doesn’t change. So if you initialize single-site TDVP from a product state, that algorithm will generally do a very poor job and give an answer that’s far from the correct one, since the basis will always stay very small (just as bond dimension = 1). To start from a product state with single-site TDVP you need to use a subspace expansion method or some other initialization procedure. A simpler choice is just to use two-site. Some people do things like start with two-site then switch to one-site later in the time evolution.

Thanks miles for the quick response. This clears up the things.

Have a nice day.

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