Hi there,
Many thanks for the ITensorTDVP.jl v0.4! I was testing it after its recent release, using an AFM Heisenberg chain with 4 sites, and time-dependent B field on the first site,
At t=0, I set B=3, and use dmrg to get a ground state MPS \psi(0). For t>0, B=0, and I use a)TDVP and b) TEBD to evolve \psi(0) with time_step=0.05
until t=1. For each time step, I measure \langle S_1^z\rangle. My TEBD results agree with ED benchmark, but TDVP results are pretty different.
I guess I might input arguments in the function tdvp
in a wrong way. However, if I use tdvp
and H(t=0) to evolve \psi(0), \psi(0) stays unchanged, which seems to be correct. Does this mean that, since \psi(0) has small maxlinkdim
, I should evolve it with TEBD for several steps then use TDVP?
Below I put my codes. Thanks again!
using ITensors, ITensorMPS
using Observers: observer
function spMPS()
# heisenberg chain
N = 4
spsites = siteinds("S=1/2",N;conserve_qns=true,conserve_sz=false)
cutoff = 1E-8
B = 3.0 # only on site 1
# H0 with B
os = OpSum()
os -= B, "Sz", 1
for i in 1:(N-1)
os += 1.0/2, "S+", i, "S-", i+1
os += 1.0/2, "S-", i, "S+", i+1
os += 1.0, "Sz", i, "Sz", i+1
H = MPO(os,spsites)
# H1 with B=0
os1 = OpSum()
for i in 1:(N-1)
os1 += 1.0/2, "S+", i, "S-", i+1
os1 += 1.0/2, "S-", i, "S+", i+1
os1 += 1.0, "Sz", i, "Sz", i+1
H1 = MPO(os1,spsites)
# dmrg
state = [isodd(i) ? "Up" : "Dn" for i in 1:N]
psi0 = randomMPS(spsites, state)
obs = DMRGObserver(; energy_tol=1e-8)
nsweeps = 50
maxdim = [32, 50, 100, 200, 400]#, 800]
noise = [1E-3, 1E-4, 1E-5, 1E-6, 1E-7, 1E-8, 1E-10, 0.0]
energy, psi = dmrg(H, psi0;
nsweeps, maxdim, cutoff,noise,observer=obs,eigsolve_krylovdim=8)
@show energy
# tdvp, with observer to measure <S1z(t)>
step(; sweep) = sweep
current_time(; current_time) = current_time
return_state(; state) = state
measure_sz(; state) = expect(state, "Sz"; sites=1)
tdvpobs = observer(
"steps" => step, "times" => current_time,
"states" => return_state, "Sz" => measure_sz
init = copy(psi)
state = tdvp(
H1, 1.0, init; time_step=0.05, cutoff=1e-12, (step_observer!)=tdvpobs,
reverse_step=true, normalize=true,maxdim=100,
nsite = 2, updater_backend="exponentiate",outputlevel=1
for n in 1:length(tdvpobs.steps)
print("step = ", tdvpobs.steps[n])
print(", time = ", round(tdvpobs.times[n]; digits=3))
print(", norm = ", round(abs(inner(tdvpobs.states[n], tdvpobs.states[n])); digits=3))
print(", |⟨ψⁿ|ψⁱ⟩| = ", round(abs(inner(tdvpobs.states[n], init)); digits=3))
print(", |⟨ψⁿ|ψᶠ⟩| = ", round(abs(inner(tdvpobs.states[n], state)); digits=3))
print(", ⟨S1z⟩ = ", round(tdvpobs.Sz[n]; digits=3))