Suppose I need to initialize my system (with L sites and N particles) in some basis:
|init\rangle = \prod_i^N c^{\dagger}_i|vac\rangle
where |vac\rangle is simply
M = randomMPS(s, ["Emp" for _ in 1:N])
for i in 1:N
Op = op("Cdag", s[i])
M = apply(Op, M)
This is I believe equivalent to
randomMPS(s, [ n <= N ? "Occ" : "Emp" for n in 1:N])
Then is it possible to initialize this state in another basis, say:
a^{\dagger}_j = \sum_i U_{ij} c^{\dagger}_i
|init\rangle = \prod_i^L c^{\dagger}_i|vac\rangle = \prod_i^L \sum_j^N U_{ij} a^{\dagger}_j |vac\rangle
I convinced myself there’s no way to do this except summing up an exponentially many number of terms, is this correct?