Is there a way to initialize an MPS by the statevector.
As an example, considering the GHZ state N qubits:
\ket{GHZ} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \ket{00...0} + \ket{11...1}
with state vector with 2^N elements
\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} [1 0 0 ... 1]
How do I initialize the MPS?
(surely this is an easy example, but I would like to do it with any initial state vector)
Hi Emilio,
Does this code example answer your question?
Here the tensor T
would be your state vector, reshaped as a tensor with N dimensions (N indices).
My problem is actually how to initialize an Itensor from a State Vector.
So how to initialize T if all I have is a vector of 2^N elements
Oops sorry, you can do it straightforward as said in ITensor · ITensors.jl
It was not working for other reasons related to my inexperience.
Thank you