As a beginner, I have a very naive question here. I’m thinking of a simple transverse field ising model ,and trying to eccode the z2 parity in itensor, but fail. If it can be achieved, can you provide a simple 1D example that can be learned.
I am looking forward to getting your views or suggestions on this issue. Thank you for your answer, thanks for itensor team.
According to itensor.jl’s tutorial, I have tried to write an ising model with h=1, J=1, using z2 parity.
using MKL
using LinearAlgebra
using ITensors
using ITensors.HDF5
using Plots
@show Threads.nthreads()
@show ITensors.blas_get_num_threads()
@show ITensors.Strided.get_num_threads()
@show ITensors.using_threaded_blocksparse()
@show BLAS.get_config()
@time let
N = 64
println("Begin calculation TFI=",N)
# ground state
sites = siteinds("S=1/2",N; conserve_szparity=true)
ampo = OpSum()
for j = 1:N-1
ampo .+= -4.0,"Sx",j,"Sx",j+1
ampo .+= -2.0,"Sz",j
ampo .+= -2.0,"Sz",N
H = MPO(ampo,sites)
state = [isodd(n) ? "Up" : "Dn" for n=1:N]
psi0 = productMPS(sites,state)
sweeps = Sweeps(20) # number of sweeps is 20
maxdim!(sweeps,10,20,100,100,200) # gradually increase states kept
cutoff!(sweeps,1E-14) # desired truncation error
energy,psi = dmrg(H,psi0,sweeps)
println(" Transverse field = ",energy/N)
My first question is, whether the above code with z2 parity can speed up the operation compared to the non-QN conserving ising model code?
My second question is, in the answer to Multi-thread julia ITensor - ITensor Support Q&A it says: for z2 parity , if the blocks are large enough , it may be better to use BLAS/LAPACK multithreading instead of block sparse multithreading. I wonder if my code above applies both BLAS/LAPACK multithreading and z2 parity correctly?
Hi kevinh,
Yes your code looks correct for what you’re trying to do, and I’m glad you figured out about the conserve_szparity
At a glance, yes it looks like your code is doing the right thing to enable BLAS multithreading and to disable ITensor block-sparse multithreading (which is a good idea if you are using BLAS multithreading). But the most important thing is to test your code on some medium-sized systems with different multithreading settings to see if you can observe a benefit to using it, since the benefits of multithreading (and different kinds of multithreading) depend sensitively and in non-obvious ways on details like the typical block size in the tensors, number of blocks, etc. which are hard to predict.
To verify that the
setting is working properly, print out the first few sites to check that they carry Z_2 parity quantum numbers:@show sites[1]