I am using ITensor.jl to compute some simple models and test them. For example, I try to test a 16*16 2D ising model. The code is as follows:
sites = siteinds("S=1/2", N; conserve_szparity=true)
lattice = square_lattice(Nx, Ny; yperiodic = false)
ampo = OpSum()
for b in lattice
ampo .+= -4.0,"Sx",b.s1,"Sx",b.s2
for j in 1:N
ampo .+= 2.0*h,"Sz",j
H = MPO(ampo,sites)
state = [isodd(n) ? "Up" : "Dn" for n=1:N]
psi0 = productMPS(sites,state)
sweeps = Sweeps(10)
@show sweeps
@time energy,psi = dmrg(H,psi0,sweeps;write_when_maxdim_exceeds=600)
As you can see I have used write_when_maxdim_exceeds=600
to prevent run out of memory.
Morever,in the script that submits the task,the parameter
#SBATCH --mem=60000
#SBATCH --mem=10G
has been used to to specify the memory size requested by each node
But l still get the error:
After sweep 1 energy=-794.757934867198 maxlinkdim=15 maxerr=9.98E-06 time=39.619
After sweep 2 energy=-806.959114424078 maxlinkdim=41 maxerr=9.99E-06 time=3.312
After sweep 3 energy=-811.314749468693 maxlinkdim=141 maxerr=9.99E-09 time=9.225
ERROR: LoadError: SystemError: close: No space left on device
[1] systemerror(p::String, errno::Int32; extrainfo::Nothing)
@ Base ./error.jl:174
[2] #systemerror#68
@ ./error.jl:173 [inlined]
[3] systemerror
@ ./error.jl:173 [inlined]
[4] close
@ ./iostream.jl:63 [inlined]
[5] open(::Serialization.var"#1#2"{ITensor}, ::String, ::Vararg{String}; kwargs::Base.Pairs{Symbol, Union{}, Tuple{}, NamedTuple{(), Tuple{}}})
@ Base ./io.jl:332
[6] open
@ ./io.jl:328 [inlined]
[7] serialize
@ ~/opt/julia/julia-1.7.2/share/julia/stdlib/v1.7/Serialization/src/Serialization.jl:775 [inlined]
[8] setindex!
@ ~/.julia/packages/SerializedElementArrays/cdFxy/src/SerializedElementArrays.jl:78 [inlined]
[9] _makeL!(P::ITensors.DiskProjMPO, psi::MPS, k::Int64)
@ ITensors ~/.julia/packages/ITensors/z9cMA/src/mps/abstractprojmpo.jl:157
[10] makeL!
@ ~/.julia/packages/ITensors/z9cMA/src/mps/diskprojmpo.jl:84 [inlined]
[11] position!
@ ~/.julia/packages/ITensors/z9cMA/src/mps/abstractprojmpo.jl:212 [inlined]
[12] macro expansion
@ ~/.julia/packages/ITensors/z9cMA/src/mps/dmrg.jl:208 [inlined]
[13] macro expansion
@ ~/.julia/packages/TimerOutputs/nDhDw/src/TimerOutput.jl:252 [inlined]
[14] macro expansion
@ ~/.julia/packages/ITensors/z9cMA/src/mps/dmrg.jl:207 [inlined]
[15] macro expansion
@ ./timing.jl:299 [inlined]
[16] dmrg(PH::ProjMPO, psi0::MPS, sweeps::Sweeps; kwargs::Base.Pairs{Symbol, Int64, Tuple{Symbol}, NamedTuple{(:write_when_maxdim_exceeds,), Tuple{Int64}}})
@ ITensors ~/.julia/packages/ITensors/z9cMA/src/mps/dmrg.jl:188
[17] #dmrg#949
@ ~/.julia/packages/ITensors/z9cMA/src/mps/dmrg.jl:47 [inlined]
[18] macro expansion
@ timing.jl:220 [inlined]
[19] macro expansion
@ ~/article/2dMEPS20.jl:50 [inlined]
[20] top-level scope
@ timing.jl:220
in expression starting at 2dMEPS20.jl:17
I want to know why the error still occurs, is there a problem with the code or with the clusterļ¼or there is something wrong with my operationsļ¼