About bondgate and beyond nearest neigbor

I’m trying to do time evolution for a 1D chain with next nearest neighbor interactions. The following code worked for me, but I want to make sure that this is indeed doing what I am intending. This term is supposed to be N_j N_{j+2} interaction term (boson site).

auto s1 = BondGate(sites,j+1,j+2); // swap j+1 and j+2
hterm = op(sites,"N",j)*op(sites,"N",j+1);
auto g3 = BondGate(sites,j,j+1,BondGate::tReal,tstep/2.,hterm);
gates.push_back(s1);// swap back.

Since I swapped j+1 and j+2 in the beginning, I thought I should write hterm as it is written above, between j and j+1 not j and j+2. After pushing g3, I swap back j+1 and j+2.
Is this correct?

Also, is this the recommended way of coding TEBD for chains beyond nearest neighbor interactions? Is there any other method to achieve this?

Thanks for the comments!

EDIT: Based on a check with ED, this code seems to be giving the right physics indeed.