Hi there! I am trying to implement time evolving block decimation for the Hubbard model. I believe my DMRG works just fine (the state convergences, my equilibrium correlations look good, and the ground state energy matches up with benchmark values), but there is a bug in how I am constructing the Trotter gates for my TEBD evolution.
Specifically: when I calculate the inner product of the time-evolved ground state with its original self, the overlap decreases with time. I encountered this previously in the case of the 1D TEBD, and ultimately realized that it was due to a mistake in how I was constructing my Trotter gates. The only difference between the 1D case and the 2-leg ladder, as far as I am aware, is the insertion of fSWAP gates before and after the application of a two-site operator between non-adjacent sites. Here is my code for constructing the Trotter gates:
gates = ITensor[]
for b in lattice
s1_idx = min(b.s1, b.s2)
s2_idx = max(b.s1, b.s2)
# Check if we need to apply any swaps (sites are not adjacent)
if abs(s2_idx-s1_idx) > 1
# Apply SWAP to get to new configuration
SWAP_forward = []
s_last = s1_idx
for s_next in s1_idx+1:(s2_idx-1)
push!(SWAP_forward, op("fSWAP", sites[s_last], sites[s_next]))
s_last = s_next
append!(gates, SWAP_forward)
# Apply gate
hj_twosite = make_twosite(sites[s_last], sites[s2_idx])
# Apply SWAP to get back
SWAP_backward = []
for s_next in s_last-1:s1_idx
push!(SWAP_backward, op("fSWAP", sites[s_last], sites[s_next]))
s_last = s_next
append!(gates, SWAP_backward)
#append!(gates, reverse(SWAP_forward))
else # no need to apply swaps
hj_twosite = make_twosite(sites[s1_idx], sites[s2_idx])
# One-site terms (no swap needed)
for j=1:N-1
hj_onesite = make_onesite(sites[j])
# End site (no swap needed)
hn = make_endsite(sites[N])
# Add all the gates in reverse
I am fairly certain that my make_twosite(...)
, make_onesite(...)
, and make_endsite(...)
gates are correct, because when I run this code with only one leg in the ladder, I am getting good overlap between the initial ground state and the time-evolved ground state. I’ve also attached a screenshot of my fSWAP operator in (what I believe to be) the correct basis.
Thank you so much for all the continued support! Hope you have a great week.