will ITensor implement non abelian symmetry in the near future?

Dear ITensor developers,

ITensor has become a very mature package for DMRG calculations with abelian symmetries. I guess it may be the time for going one step further, by implementing some common non-abelian symmetries like SU(2), etc.

So as the title indicates, is there any plan for adding non abelian symmetries in the near future?

BTW, note that there is indeed another julia package tensorkit.jl, which tries to implement some non abelian symmetries like SU(2).


note another very powerful and mature matlab package that implements various kinds of non abelian symmetries is called QSapce, developed by Andreas Weichselbaum.

However, it is NOT open source currently.

Hi Junsen,
Yes adding support for non-Abelian symmetries such as SU(2) would be great to have in ITensor and the good news is we are working on it! But we are still in the planning stages right now, so it’s hard to estimate when the feature would be ready. Hopefully we will have it ready by the end of this year.


Thanks for this encouraging information, miles!