SU(2) implementation


I am interested in working with non-abelian symmetries imposed on TN, specifically SU(2).

I am aware that ITensor is planning to develop this support, but is there an expected delivery for the feature?

Thank you in advance,

Hi @dfelmanl , I would say the answer is still the same as in this post:

The new system is coming along well, and the core features like tensor addition and contraction are essentially working. But the system is currently not plugged into ITensor yet, and also still needs much testing and refactoring and such. So I would realistically expect it will be some months away.

Hi @miles,

I was wondering if there has been any progress in this matter. Essentially, I only need the basic tensor features under the SU(2) non-abelian symmetry: the tensor representation, canonization, addition and contraction.

Is there any ITensor version that I can access those features?

Greatly appreciated,

Not yet, we are actively working on it and have some initial operations working (like contraction and addition) but it has required a big rewrite of the backend of ITensor to design it well and integrate it with the rest of the library so there is a lot of work to do before all of that is ready to release to the public.