Using TDVP for non hermitian Hamiltonians


Just a quick question. Does TDVP currently work for non-Hermitian Hamiltonians?



I’ve been using it for this purpose. If it doesn’t work that’s news to me!

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Hi Corbett, would you be able to provide some code showing this working? I have been trying but it doesn’t seem to give me any valid answers.

Are you passing the ishermitian and issymmetric key word arguments to tdvp? That is all that should be required

 updater_kwargs = Dict(:ishermitian => false, :issymmetric => false)
 psi = tdvp(H, t, psi; updater_kwargs)

Yes, even with this I still get divergent observables.

Maybe the non-Hermitian nature isn’t the problem then. Perhaps tdvp isn’t able to do the evolution you want it to. have you tried using ITensorTDVP.expand?