Just a quick question. Does TDVP currently work for non-Hermitian Hamiltonians?
Just a quick question. Does TDVP currently work for non-Hermitian Hamiltonians?
I’ve been using it for this purpose. If it doesn’t work that’s news to me!
Hi Corbett, would you be able to provide some code showing this working? I have been trying but it doesn’t seem to give me any valid answers.
Are you passing the ishermitian
and issymmetric
key word arguments to tdvp
? That is all that should be required
updater_kwargs = Dict(:ishermitian => false, :issymmetric => false)
psi = tdvp(H, t, psi; updater_kwargs)
Yes, even with this I still get divergent observables.
Maybe the non-Hermitian nature isn’t the problem then. Perhaps tdvp
isn’t able to do the evolution you want it to. have you tried using ITensorTDVP.expand
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