Substituting into a tensor network the result of SVD


I have written the DMRG from scratch in Julia ITensors for educational purposes and had a question regarding substituting in the MPS the updated two-site tensor after SVD. I am aware of the ITensors function that does this in the DMRG function of ITensors but my question can be considered as more general: ‘how to substitute the result of SVD back into a tensor network?’. The origin of the question comes from the fact that after SVD the tensors have index label and ID which is different to the original tensor. This is in principle natural as the dimension of the index can be changed, however if one wants to maintain information that a particular index is a link index and have it consistent with how an MPS from randomMPS would label it, one needs to change manually the label of the index and then also match again the ID so it can be associated with its neighbouring tensor in the MPS.

I provide the full code below and a particular point where I do this change in the code is:

# Change the Index objects that QR generated so that they have consistent tags as the rest of the mps tensors
old_U_idx = inds(U; :tags => "u")[1]
old_mps_i_idx = inds(mps[i]; :tags => "l=$(i)")[1]
new_idx = Index(dim(old_U_idx); tags = tags(old_mps_i_idx))
replaceind!(U, old_U_idx, new_idx)
replaceind!(V, old_U_idx, new_idx)
using ITensors
using KrylovKit
using LinearAlgebra
import ITensors.svd as ITensors_SVD

# Number of sites, sweeps of DMRG, cut-off error, max dim of mps
N = 8
max_sweeps = 10
cut_off = 1e-10
max_dim = 10

# Define sites object
sites = siteinds("S=1/2", N)

# Define the Hamiltonian
function get_Hamiltonian(sites)
    os = OpSum()
    for j=1:N-1
        os += "Sz",j,"Sz",j+1
        os += 0.5,"S+",j,"S-",j+1
        os += 0.5,"S-",j,"S+",j+1
    return MPO(os, sites)
mpo = get_Hamiltonian(sites)

# Initialize the MPS and put it in normalized canonical form
mps = randomMPS(ComplexF64, sites)
if !isortho(mps) || ortho_lims(mps)[1] != 1
    ITensors.orthogonalize!(mps, 1)

# Initialize an array which will hold the left and right parts of the effective Hamiltonian
H_eff_parts = Array{ITensor}(undef, N)
for i in 3:N
    H_eff_parts[i] = prime(dag(mps[i]))*mpo[i]*mps[i]

function DMRG()

    # E_curr will change after a full sweep and E will change within the sweep
    E_curr = 0.0
    E = 0.0

    # Perform the DMRG sweeps
    for sweep in 1:max_sweeps

        # Forward part of sweep from left to right
        for i in 1:N-1 # This is the left index of the two sites being updated
            # Get the effective Hamiltonian
            if i == 1
                H_eff = mpo[i]*mpo[i+1]*prod(H_eff_parts[i+2:N])
            elseif i == N-1
                H_eff = prod(H_eff_parts[1:i-1])*mpo[i]*mpo[i+1]
                H_eff = prod(H_eff_parts[1:i-1])*mpo[i]*mpo[i+1]*prod(H_eff_parts[i+2:N])

            # Get the two site part of the mps
            mps_two_site = mps[i]*mps[i+1]

            # Now we call the eigensolver with H_eff and mps_two_site
            vals, vecs = eigsolve(H_eff, mps_two_site, 1, :SR; ishermitian = true) # ; ishermitian = ishermitian)
            # Update current energy with the lowest we found from optimizing sites i, i+1
            E = vals[1]

            # Define the lowest-eigenvalue eigenvector
            gs_evec = vecs[1]

            # Perform the SVD decomposition on it to get two mps tensors
            gs_even_site_idx = inds(gs_evec; :tags => "n=$i")
            if i == 1
                U, S, V = ITensors_SVD(gs_evec, (gs_even_site_idx); maxdim = max_dim)
                V = S*V
                U, S, V = ITensors_SVD(gs_evec, (gs_even_site_idx, inds(gs_evec; :tags => "l=$(i-1)")); maxdim = max_dim)
                V = S*V

            # Change the Index objects that QR generated so that they have consistent tags as the rest of the mps tensors
            old_U_idx = inds(U; :tags => "u")[1]
            old_mps_i_idx = inds(mps[i]; :tags => "l=$(i)")[1]
            new_idx = Index(dim(old_U_idx); tags = tags(old_mps_i_idx))
            replaceind!(U, old_U_idx, new_idx)
            replaceind!(V, old_U_idx, new_idx)
            # Update the mps
            mps[i], mps[i+1] = U, V

            # Update the H_eff_parts
            H_eff_parts[i] = prime(dag(mps[i]))*mpo[i]*mps[i]
            H_eff_parts[i+1] = prime(dag(mps[i+1]))*mpo[i+1]*mps[i+1]

            println("Sweep: ", sweep, ", Left to right: ", i, ", norm: ", norm(mps), ", Max D: ", maxlinkdim(mps), ", E: ", E)

        # Backward part of sweep from right to left
        for i in N-1:-1:1 # This is the left index of the two sites being updated
            # Get the effective Hamiltonian
            if i == 1
                H_eff = mpo[i]*mpo[i+1]*prod(H_eff_parts[i+2:N])
            elseif i == N-1
                H_eff = prod(H_eff_parts[1:i-1])*mpo[i]*mpo[i+1]
                H_eff = prod(H_eff_parts[1:i-1])*mpo[i]*mpo[i+1]*prod(H_eff_parts[i+2:N])

            # Get the two site part of the mps
            mps_two_site = mps[i]*mps[i+1]

            # Now we call the eigensolver with H_eff and mps_two_site
            vals, vecs = eigsolve(H_eff, mps_two_site, 1, :SR; ishermitian = true) # ; ishermitian = ishermitian)
            # Update current energy with the lowest we found from optimizing sites i, i+1
            E = vals[1]

            # Define the lowest-eigenvalue eigenvector
            gs_evec = vecs[1]

            # Perform the SVD decomposition on it to get two mps tensors
            gs_even_site_idx = inds(gs_evec; :tags => "n=$i")
            if i == 1
                U, S, V = ITensors_SVD(gs_evec, (gs_even_site_idx), maxdim = max_dim)
                U = U*S
                U, S, V = ITensors_SVD(gs_evec, (gs_even_site_idx, inds(gs_evec; :tags => "l=$(i-1)")), maxdim = max_dim)
                U = U*S

            # Change the Index objects that QR generated so that they have consistent tags as the rest of the mps tensors
            old_U_idx = inds(U; :tags => "v")[1]
            old_mps_i_idx = inds(mps[i]; :tags => "l=$(i)")[1]
            new_idx = Index(dim(old_U_idx); tags = tags(old_mps_i_idx))
            replaceind!(U, old_U_idx, new_idx)
            replaceind!(V, old_U_idx, new_idx)
            # Update the mps
            mps[i], mps[i+1] = U, V

            # Update the H_eff_parts
            H_eff_parts[i] = prime(dag(mps[i]))*mpo[i]*mps[i]
            H_eff_parts[i+1] = prime(dag(mps[i+1]))*mpo[i+1]*mps[i+1]

            println("Sweep: ", sweep, ", Right to left: ", i, ", norm: ", norm(mps), ", Max D: ", maxlinkdim(mps), ", E: ", E)

        # Compute the fractional energy change after a full sweep
        fractional_energy_change = abs((E - E_curr)/E_curr)

        # Set the current energy variable E_curr to the final decreased energy E after a full sweep
        E_curr = E
        # Check for stopping conditions
        if (fractional_energy_change < cut_off)
            println("Energy accuracy reached.")
        elseif (max_sweeps == sweep)
            println("Maximum sweeps reached before reaching desired energy accuracy.")


    return E_curr


println("Energy before DMRG: ", real(inner(mps', mpo, mps)))
gs_energy = DMRG()
println("Energy after DMRG: ", real(inner(mps', mpo, mps)))

Hi, so do I understand your question correctly as being mainly about setting the tags of the new indices that are produced by the ITensor svd function? If so, there are two optional keyword arguments lefttags and righttags you can use for this. Here is the part of the docstring explaining them:

 •  lefttags::String = "Link,u": set the tags of the Index shared by U and S.

 •  righttags::String = "Link,v": set the tags of the Index shared by S and V.

Would using those solve your problem? It’s great that you are working on your own DMRG code using ITensors.jl.

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Hi Miles,

Thanks for pointing out these arguments, I think this can indeed work more elegantly, as I can specify lefttags = “l=(i)", righttags = "l=(i)” and actually I don’t need to worry about any ID, the ID of the link between the two sites I am updating on the MPS will change but the SVD keeps it consistent that the left site right link has the same ID as the right site left link.

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