I have a tensor that can be written in the following form:
Where i, j etc. Are site indices.
From this writing it is clear that all the indices are free and do not have to be contracted, but how can I prevent that? If I double prime the index to make it different, then how I’m going to undo it the moment that I have to actually apply the Tensor? (Consider that this tensor will be in a MPO so it will use the default implementation of MPS*MPO).
In my case the sites are Qudits
of dim d=4, so T would have a size of 256 while A of 16, so I think it would be both space and time saving.
I’ve found something that works:
T = zeros(3,2,2)
T[1,1,1] = 1
T[1,2,2] = 2
T[2,1,1] = 3
T[2,2,2] = 4
T[3,1,1] = 5
T[3,2,2] = 6
i,j = Index.((3,2))
T = itensor(T,(i, j', j))
A = zeros(3,2)
A[1,1] = 1
A[1,2] = 2
A[2,1] = 3
A[2,2] = 4
A[3,1] = 5
A[3,2] = 6
function foo(A::ITensor, j::Index)
A=ITensors.setinds(A,(inds(A)...,k)) #add trivial index
pairs = [A*onehot(j=>i)*onehot(j'=>i)=>k for i in 1:dim(j)]
S,s = directsum(pairs...)
return S*delta(s,j)
T == foo(A,j)
The only problem is that on exit I still have something dense, while I’d like to obtain something that employs the sparsity of the matrix