The short question statement:
When contracting two tensors over a certain index, is there a way of specifying that the sum should not go over all values of the index, but over a subset of them?
The longer version:
In general, for two matrices A and B, which are of dimensions d_1 \times d_2 and d_2 \times d_3 respectively, we would have the product (contraction):
Is there a way of specifying that the sum should not go over the full range of k from 1 to d_2? Like only from k_{\text{init}} to d_2?
I tried to look into the implementation of contract(A::ITensor, B::ITensor)
but was not succesful.
What I want to do would be the equivalent of the partial contraction in the example below.
A = rand(3, 5) # 3×5 Matrix{Float64}
B = rand(5, 4) # 5×4 Matrix{Float64}
# full contraction
C = A * B # 3×4 Matrix{Float64}
# partial contraction
C_red = A[:, 3:end] * B[3:end, :] # 3×4 Matrix{Float64}
Of course there are some naïve ways of getting that:
- I could create a copy of A (or B) where the first k_{\text{init}}-1 columns (rows) are replaced with zeros, then the result would be the same.
- I could create to new tensors which are the “cropping” of A and B and contract those, but that would imply creating a new Index object for the smaller index, creating two new tensors, and copying all the values from A and B to these smaller tensors, to then contract them.
Here is some example code for both, but it feels overly complicated (and probably very inefficient). What would be the most “ITensor-like” way of doing that?
using ITensors
i = Index(3)
j = Index(4)
k = Index(5)
A = randomITensor(i, k) # ITensor ord=2 (dim=3|id=aaa) (dim=5|id=bbb)
B = randomITensor(k, j) # ITensor ord=2 (dim=5|id=bbb) (dim=4|id=ccc)
# full contraction
C = A * B # ITensor ord=2 (dim=3|id=aaa) (dim=4|id=ccc)
# option 1
A_red = deepcopy(A)
for ii = 1:dim(i)
for kk = 1:2
A_red[i=>ii, k=>kk] = 0
C_red = A_red * B
# option 2
k_red = Index(3)
A_red = ITensor(i, k_red)
B_red = ITensor(k_red, j)
for ii = 1:dim(i)
for kk = 1:dim(k_red)
A_red[i=>ii, k_red=>kk] = A[i=>ii, k=>kk]
for jj = 1:dim(j)
for kk = 1:dim(k_red)
B_red[j=>jj, k_red=>kk] = B[j=>jj, k=>kk]
C_red = A_red * B_red