Julia NDTensors development

The AdvancedUsageGuide gives excellent instructions for developing inside ITensors.jl, the secret sauce being command:

As part of implementing Block sparse QR/QL/RQ/LQ decompositions I will need to add some code to NDTensors. I am finding that changes inside my local NDTensors (inside my ITensors.jl fork) has no effect at run time. The system seems to prefer to grab and compile from the official repo instead. I tried the command


Cloning git-repo https:github.com/JanReimers/ITensors.jl/tree/main/NDTensors
ERROR: failed to clone from https:github.com/JanReimers/ITensors.jl/tree/main/NDTensors, error: GitError(Code:ERROR, Class:HTTP, unexpected http status code: 404)

How do the insiders set up julia to work the local NDTensors source tree?


I’m not a julia expert, but

pkg> dev https://github.com/JanReimers/ITensors.jl NDTensors


Pkg.develop(url="https://github.com/JanReimers/ITensors.jl", subdir="NDTensors")

For local directories just cd into the appropriate folder and in package mode do pkg> dev . (my preferred method)

OK that works … thank you!