Issue with Majorana Wavefunction Calculation in a Topological Superconducting System

I’m trying to plot the Majorana wavefunctions \phi_i^{1,2} for a topological superconducting system. The wavefunctions are calculated using the following expressions:

\phi_{is}^{(1)}=e^{i\theta}\bra{1}c^\dagger_{is}\ket{0}+e^{-i\theta}\bra{0}c^\dagger_{is}\ket{1}\\ \phi_{is}^{(2)}=ie^{i\theta}\bra{1}c^\dagger_{is}\ket{0}-ie^{-i\theta}\bra{0}c^\dagger_{is}\ket{1}

Where \ket{0} and \ket{1} are the ground and first excited states, respectively.
I am confident that my DMRG-acquired states are accurate because they satisfy key criteria such as:

  • Energy degeneracy: Ground and excited states are degenerate as expected for the topological phase.
  • Entanglement spectrum degeneracy: The expected degeneracies in the spectrum are observed.
  • Consistency between quantum number conserving and non-conserving methods, which yield the same results.

However, when I attempt to plot \phi_i^1 and \phi_i^2, the results are inconsistent with the expected localized wavefunctions at the ends of the chain (fig 3.) , as shown in the paper ( Instead, I get the following plots:

This is the code how I calculate the wavefunctions.

using ITensors
for i=1:N
    append!(data1,abs(inner(psi1, apply(op("Cdagup", sites, i), psi0))+inner(psi0, apply(op("Cdagup", sites, i), psi1)))^2+
                  abs(inner(psi1, apply(op("Cdagdn", sites, i), psi0))+inner(psi0, apply(op("Cdagdn", sites, i), psi1)))^2)

for i=1:N
    append!(data2,abs(inner(psi1, apply(op("Cdagup", sites, i), psi0))-inner(psi0, apply(op("Cdagup", sites, i), psi1)))^2+
                  abs(inner(psi1, apply(op("Cdagdn", sites, i), psi0))-inner(psi0, apply(op("Cdagdn", sites, i), psi1)))^2)

My question is: Do you think the issue lies in my DMRG calculation or in the post-processing step?

Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you in advance for your help!

Without looking too closely, I suspect it’s the lack of Jordan-Wigner strings. For an in depth discussion see

You should try inserting F operators, see more here

Thank you so much for your reply, it solved my issue.

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