Dynamical spin structure factor (DSSF) for AFM Heisenberg model via TEBD


(specific questions about implementing the TEBD method are at the bottom of this post)

since it’s been asked many times without a concrete answer, I am requesting the developers to include a complete example for calculating the structure factor of a well known model: the nearest-neighbor antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model on the square lattice. Specifically, a recent paper showing this model is Fig.4 of arXiv:2209.00739v2

The DSSF is defined to be the Fourier transform of the correlation function

S(\boldsymbol{q}, \omega) = \; \int_0^\infty \frac{dt}{\pi \sqrt{N}} \: \sum_{\boldsymbol{r}} \: \cos{(\boldsymbol{q} \cdot \boldsymbol{r})} \times \Big\{ \cos{(\omega t)} \: \textrm{Re}[G(\boldsymbol{r}, t)] \: -\: \sin{(\omega t)} \: \textrm{Im}[G(\boldsymbol{r}, t)] \Big\}.

In the paper, the structure factor is approximated for a finite system as

S^{zz}(\boldsymbol{q}_i, \omega_j) \approx \; \frac{1}{\pi \sqrt{N}} \; \sum_{t_m =0}^{T_{\textrm{max}} }\; \sum_{\boldsymbol{r}_n = 1}^{N} \: \cos{(\boldsymbol{q}_i \cdot \boldsymbol{r}_n)} \times \Big\{ \cos{(\omega_j t_m)} \: \textrm{Re}[G^{zz}(\boldsymbol{r}_n, t_m)] \: -\: \sin{(\omega_j t_m)} \: \textrm{Im}[G^{zz}(\boldsymbol{r}_n, t_m)] \Big\}


  • they take a square lattice of size N = L_x L_y with cylindrical boundary condition

  • \boldsymbol{q}_i run over a path around the BZ given by \big\{ K \to X \to M \to K \to \Gamma \to X \big\}.

  • G(\boldsymbol{r}, t) = \langle \psi_0 | \: \boldsymbol{\hat{S}}_{\boldsymbol{r}_n} (t) \: \boldsymbol{\hat{S}}_c (0) \: | \psi_0 \rangle is the non-equal-time, two-point (multi-site), spin-spin correlation function. For a rotationally invariant Hamiltonian, like \hat{H} = J \sum_{\langle ij \rangle} \boldsymbol{\hat{S}}_i \cdot \boldsymbol{\hat{S}}_j, we can focus on a single component of \boldsymbol{\hat{S}} so that up to a constant

G(\boldsymbol{r}, t) \: \approx \: e^{i E_0 t} \: \langle \psi_0 | S^z_{\boldsymbol{r}_n} \: e^{- i \hat{H} t} \: S^z_c \: | \psi_0 \rangle

where, in turn, \hat{H} |\psi_0 \rangle = E_0 |\psi_0 \rangle.

  • Moreover, \boldsymbol{r} = x \, \boldsymbol{a}_1 + y \, \boldsymbol{a}_2 is the position vector with basis \boldsymbol{a}_1 = (1,0), \boldsymbol{a}_2 = (0,1) and c \equiv N/2 is defined as the center site is taken to be the origin. Hence, for sites i,n=1, 2\dots, N, if we measure x_i and y_i from the lower-left corner of the lattice, we have (x_n, y_n) = (x_i, y_i) - (x_c, y_c).

Remark: since my other goal is to apply the answer to 2D anisotropic Hamiltonians, I construct the Hamiltonian in each lattice direction separately. Also, I include every part of my code in the implicit hope of people catching mistakes and/or pointing out other efficient ways.

Attempt at DSSF code:

using ITensors
using HDF5   
function dist(Start, End)
    xS = Start[1]
    yS = Start[2]
    xE = End[1]
    yE = End[2]
    distance = sqrt((xE - xS)^2 + (yE - yS)^2 )
    return distance

function find_2dPath(Start, End, N)
    xS = Start[1]
    yS = Start[2]
    xE = End[1]
    yE = End[2]
    Path = [(x,y) for (x,y) in zip(LinRange(xS,xE,N), LinRange(yS,yE,N))]
    return Path 

function apply_op(ϕ::MPS, opname::String, sites, siteidx::Int)
    ϕ = copy(ϕ) # Make a copy of the original state

    orthogonalize!(ϕ, siteidx)
    new_ϕj = op(opname,sites[siteidx]) * ϕ[siteidx] # Apply the local operator
    ϕ[siteidx] = new_ϕj
    return ϕ

    Nx = 4
    Ny = 4
    N = Nx*Ny
    J = 1.0
    PBC = true
    # ----------
    sites = siteinds("S=1/2", N; conserve_qns = true)
    lattice = square_lattice(Nx, Ny; yperiodic = PBC) 
    println("DSSF of the Heisenberg model")
    println("Nx=", Nx,",  Ny=", Ny, ",  N=", N, ",  J=", J) 

    ## ===========================================================
    ## Part 1: the g.s. energy of H 
    ## Output: E0, and psi_gs
    ## Define the Heisenberg spin Hamiltonian
    os = OpSum()
    for b in lattice
      os .+= 0.5, "S+", b.s1, "S-", b.s2
      os .+= 0.5, "S-", b.s1, "S+", b.s2
      os .+= J, "Sz", b.s1, "Sz", b.s2
    ## construct the Hamiltonian
    H = MPO(os,sites)  
    ## Make an array of strings which alternate between 
    ## "Up" and "Dn" on odd and even sites.
    state = [isodd(n) ? "Up" : "Dn" for n=1:N]
    ## construct a random MPS psi0 with physical indices sites
    psi0 = randomMPS(sites,state,20)
    sweeps = Sweeps(7)
    # Run the DMRG algorithm
    energy,phi_gs = dmrg(H,psi0,sweeps)
    println("E0 = ", energy)
    println("E0/N = ", energy/N)  
    ## ===========================================================
    ## Part 2: TEBD, Trotter gates for time evolution.
    ## Input: uses psi_gs from Part 1  
    ## Output: gates and corrs
    ## Make gates (1,2),(2,3),(3,4),...
    gates = ITensor[]
    for j=1:N-1
        s1 = sites[j]
        s2 = sites[j+1]
        hj = J * op("Sx",s1) * op("Sx",s2)
           + J * op("Sy",s1) * op("Sy",s2)
           + J * op("Sz",s1) * op("Sz",s2)
        Gj = exp(-1.0im * tau/2 * hj)
        push!(gates, Gj) 
    append!(gates,reverse(gates)) ## in reverse order: (N,N-1),(N-1,N-2),...
    #@show gates
    # Initialize psi to be a product state (alternating up and down)
    psi = productMPS(sites, n -> isodd(n) ? "Up" : "Dn")
    c = div(N, 2) # center site

    ## --------------------  
    ## Measure the correlation 
    corrs = []
    nsteps = 100    # number of time steps for time evolution
    t = 0.0
    psi_t0 = apply_op(psi, "Sz", sites, c)
    phi = apply(gates, phi; maxdim=maxdim, cutoff=cutoff)
    function measure_corr(j::Int)
        new_psi = apply_op(psi, "Sz", sites, j)
       return inner(psi,new_psi)
    #@show corrs

    ## ===========================================================
    ## Part 3: DSSF
    ## Input: numkPts, kPath, tMax, dt, omegaMax, omegaPts   
    ##       Also uses the result corrs from Part 2   
    ## Output: DSSF(kPath, omega) an array of numkPts by 

    ## --------------------  
    ## Part 3a: k-Path around symmetry points of the square lattice BZ 
    ## Path: K --> X --> M --> K --> G --> X

    sqKpt = (pi/2.0, pi/2.0)
    sqXpt = (0.0, pi)
    sqMpt = (pi, pi)
    sqGpt = (0.0, 0.0)
    numkPts = 101   # tot no. of k-points 
    kPath = [sqKpt,sqXpt,sqMpt,sqKpt,sqGpt,sqXpt]   # path around BZ1
    numPaths = length(kPath) -1
    TotDist = 0.0
    for i in 1:numPaths
        TotDist += dist(kPath[i],kPath[i+1])
    nPts = Any[] #number of k-points along each segment of the path
    for i in 1:numPaths
        push!(nPts, Int(round((dist(kPath[i],kPath[i+1])/TotDist)* numkPts)))
    temp = Any[] 
    for i in 1:numPaths
        push!(temp, find_2dPath(kPath[i],kPath[i+1], nPts[i]) )
    kPts = collect(reduce(vcat,temp)) #array-of-tuples of size (numkPts,) 
    ## --------------------  
    tMax = 6.0
    dt = 0.1
    t = LinRange(0.0, tMax, Int(floor(tMax/dt) + 1) )
    omegaMax = 6.0
    omegaPts = 61
    omega = LinRange(0.0,omegaMax, omegaPts)
    ## calculate the DSSF 
    DSSF = Array{Float64}(undef, numkPts, omegaPts)
    for qi in 1:numkPts
        qVec = collect(kPts[qi])
        for wi in 1:omegaPts
            tSum = 0.0
            for ti in 1:tNum
                rSum = 0.0
                for rj in 1:N
                    rVec = SqRvec(rj,Ny) - SqRvec(c,Ny) #move r to center
                    factor1 = cos(dot(qVec,rVec))
                    factor2 = cos(omega[wi]*t[ti]) * real(corrs[rj,rj])
                    factor3 = sin(omega[wi]*t[ti]) * imag(corrs[rj,rj])
                    rSum += factor1 * (factor2 - factor3)
                tSum += rSum  
            DSSF[qi, wi] = tSum/(pi*sqrt(N)) 
    ## wite DSSFzz to a file 
    fileDSSFzz = h5open("DSSFzz_"*string(Nx)*"x"*string(Ny)*".h5", "w")
    write(fileDSSFzz, "Dssfz", DSSF)

Python snippet to plot the result

pi = np.pi
Nx, Ny = 4, 4
N = Nx*Ny
Jex = 1.0
Jnum = f'{round(Jex*100):04d}' 
num_kPts = 101    # number of k-points along path
omegaPts = 61     # number of frequency points  
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# Plot the DSSF along a path in the first BZ
nodeFile = open('knodes.txt', 'r')
data = [line for line in nodeFile.read().splitlines()]
k_node = np.array(data,dtype=int)
# Read the DSSF  hdf5 file
DSSFFile = "DSSFzz_" + str(Nx) + "x" + str(Ny) +".h5"
with h5py.File(DSSFFile , "r") as f:
    Group_key = list(f.keys())[0]
    DSSF = list(f[Group_key]) # Get the data

zz = np.array(DSSF) # convert list to array
# --------------------------------
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7.5,3))
TitleTxt = r'$S^{zz} (\boldsymbol{q}, \omega)$ for $N=$' \
    + str(Nx) + r"$\times$" + str(Ny) + ", $J =$" + str(Jex)
kVals = np.linspace(0,num_kPts,num_kPts)
wVals = np.linspace(0,6.0,omegaPts)
xx,yy = np.meshgrid(kVals,wVals)
z_min, z_max = np.abs(zz).min(), np.abs(zz).max()
pcm = ax.pcolormesh(xx,yy,zz,cmap='viridis',\
            norm=colors.Normalize(vmin = 1e-2, vmax = z_max), \
# set limit of the plot to the limits of the data
label=(r'$K$',r'$X$', r'$M$', r'$K$', r'$\Gamma$', r'$X$')
ax.set_ylabel(r'$\omega$' ,fontsize=10)
for n in range(len(k_node)):    # add vertical lines at node positions
  ax.axvline(x=k_node[n],linewidth=0.5, linestyle='dashed', color='k')

fig.colorbar(pcm, ax=ax)
# -------------------------------------------------------------


I am new to both Julia and iTensor

  1. How do I store/pass/call the parameters and results of the DMRG code (“Part 1” of the code above)? That is, how do I share the parameters and outputs E0 and psi_gs within the `solve_GS1 function?

  2. Is the time dependence in G(\boldsymbol{r},t) controlled in Part 3 or Part 2?

  3. Is there a method to choosing t-range (tMax?) and is there a way to keep track of the truncation error in time-evolution? That is, any closed-form lower-bounds rather than finite-size scaling?

  4. Why does this work

hj =  J * op("Sz",s1) * op("Sz",s2) +
    1/2 * op("S+",s1) * op("S-",s2) +
    1/2 * op("S-",s1) * op("S+",s2)

but the following does not?

hj = J * op("Sx",s1) * op("Sx",s2) +
     J * op("Sy",s1) * op("Sy",s2) +
     J * op("Sz",s1) * op("Sz",s2)

That is, when creating the Trotter gates, are s1 and s2 the same objects as b.s1 and b.s2 from the construction of the OpSum() of the Hamiltonian?

I merged the code I found in these posts:
(1) Computing correlation function
(2) How to calculate dynamical spin structure factor S(k,w) of a spin chain?
(3) How to evaluate two-point correlator matrix element
(4) Unsuccesful TEBD for Time Independent Fermi-Hubbard Model
(5) ITensor Code Examples

I understand implementing the whole thing may take time but any immediate help you can give on answering the questions above is greatly appreciated!

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