Hi Everyone,
I have an issue with the plotting the Dynamical Structure Factor (DSF). I have performed the calculations by the steps below:
- Compute the ground state with DMRG
- excite the ground state psi into |phi> = Sz | psi >
- Time evolve the original unexcited ground state and the excite state , so I have |psi(t)> and |phi(t)>
- Then, after each time evolutions step using TEBD, I would compute the correlations by putting an Sz at a specific site, lets say j, and contract all the indices; getting <psi(t)| Sz_j |phi(t)>
- I would then Fourier transform the plot in space
- Then , I would perform Linear prediction, similar to Barthel, Schollwock and White ([0901.2342] Spectral functions in one-dimensional quantum systems at T>0) before FT in time, to increase the resolution
However, I am finding that I have some artifacts in the plot, particularly at the lower frequencies. I have attached below the images if I perform linear prediction and if I do not, for the ferromagnetic Heisenberg model.
The momentum range would be from [0,2pi] above.
Is it appropriate for me to subtract the mean of the signal for each column (each point in space), to reduce the large zero temporal frequency contribution in these plots?