Drawing the T-h diagram from T dependent m-h curves

Following is the m-h curve at various temperatures for a spin chain model. It can be seen that m=1/3 magnetization plateau disappears at T=0.3 J_1. From this data I wanted to draw T-h phase diagram showing the disappearance of plateau in that, Now the difficulty is how to choose the beginning h_{c_1} and end points (h_{c_2}) of plateau as it gets more and more curved with increasing temperature. how can I do that ? One possibly could be to count the beginning/end point at some \delta value down to m=1/3 line, or may be derivative could be helpful.

or is there any other way to draw the said diagram from other than this T dependent m-h curves.

Any comment or help will be appreciated.


Hi Explorer,

Can you share your ITensor code by which you plotted this figure?


Sorry for the late reply, I didn’t use the iTensor code.

Maybe this answer is too late to be helpful, but I would have the following thoughts about how you might be able to define the extent of your plateaus.

  • Of course in a strict sense the plateau sizes here are not well-defined, so any definition will be somewhat arbitrary. The most important thing is explaining in a paper what definition you chose and why.
  • One approach could be to take the regions where the magnetization is changing rapidly (like the steps) and fit them to a straight line. Then put another straight line at the plateau value. Where these two lines intersect could be the edge of the plateau.
  • Another approach could be to look at the second derivative and see where it changes sign.
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Is it possible to plot magnetization versus magnetic field for various values of the temperature by using ITensor? Have you any experience?

@miles, thanks for suggestion.