As the title, I would like to compute the ground state energy, using finite size DMRG, of some Hamiltonian with N sites. After that is done, I would also like to repeat the same computation for the Hamiltonian on a few more sites, let’s say N+2.
I know how to do this starting from some random guess, but I am interested in the case where N is already largish, say for example N=100. I expect such a system to be already large enough so that the matrices living in the bulk of the state don’t change that much.
This means that if the state (writing only the physical indices explicitly)
|\psi\rangle = \sum_{\{\sigma_i\}} A_1^{\sigma_1}\ldots A_{N}^{\sigma_{N}} |\sigma_1 \ldots \sigma_{N} \rangle
is a good approximation of the ground state for N sites, I expect
|\psi'\rangle = \sum_{\{\sigma_i\}} A_1^{\sigma_1}\ldots A_{N/2}^{\sigma_{N/2}}A_{N/2}^{\sigma_{N/2+1}}A_{N/2+1}^{\sigma_{N/2+2}}A_{N/2+1}^{\sigma_{N/2+3}}\ldots A_{N}^{\sigma_{N+2}} |\sigma_1 \ldots \sigma_{N+2} \rangle
to be not too far from the ground state for N+2 sites. What I’m doing is just taking the central two sites for the N case, and inserting them in the center of the spin chain to grow it by two sites. After I’ve done this, I would run the dmrg for N+2 with |\psi'\rangle as a starting state
How does one build |\psi'\rangle in ITensors?
I’ve tried and failed by doing the following
N = 4
NHalf = div(N,2)
s = siteinds("S=1/2", N; conserve_qns=true)
psi1 = randomMPS(s, n -> isodd(n) ? "Up" : "Dn"; linkdims=4)
psi2 = MPS(N+2)
for i=1:NHalf
psi2[i] = psi1[i]
psi2[N+2-i] = psi1[N-i]
psi2[NHalf+1] = psi1[NHalf]
psi2[NHalf+2] = psi1[NHalf+1]
But I get an “access to undefined reference” error on the last line