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I had a question about implementing block sparse multithreading in Julia. My system has 8 threads available. On the terminal, I start Julia using julia -t 8
so that it uses all 8 available cores. And when I run Threads.nthreads()
on the Julia REPL, I do get the result 8. However, when I enable block sparse multithreading using ITensors.enable_threaded_blocksparse()
, I get the following error message:
“ThreadedWARNING: You are trying to enable block sparse multithreading, but you have started Julia with only a single thread. You can start Julia with N
threads with julia -t N
, and check the number of threads Julia can use with Threads.nthreads()
. Your system has 8 threads available to use, which you can determine by running Sys.CPU_THREADS
Despite this error, I do find a speedup in contractions when I run the simple block sparse multithreading code provided here: Multithreading · ITensors.jl.
What is going on? Why do I get the error message, and can I achieve even greater speedups once I remove this error? Thanks!