Hi there,
I’m wondering if you have some benchmark for the performance of ITensors in small 2D system.
I’m assuming the way the results are obtained by ‘flattening’ the 2D system into a 1-D chain, where now even the nearest hopping would become long-range, therefore the area law doesn’t apply and the bond dimensions would scale exponentially. Still, I’m curious the max size (N by N) of a feasible system you could simulate this way, assuming the hopping to be the most expensive term.
I ask about this mostly because a test 5x5 calculation with max bond dimension in the range of ~5000 with naive threaded
julia -t 24 script.jl
took around 50 hours to finish, which I thought would be faster with some rough complexity analysis. Does Julia ITensors have multi-core/node support (e.g. MPI)?