VUMPS slow convergence for the 2d exactly solvable Kitaev honeycomb model

Hello ITensor community, I just tried the VUMPS julia “ITensorInfiniteMPS.jl” to study the 2d exactly solvable Kitaev model on a honeycomb lattice with the parameter Jx=Jy=0.4, Jz=1. I used a cylindrical geometry with Lx infinite and Ly=4 unit-cell (Ly is along n_1 in Kitaev’s notation). And it shows very slow convergence, possibly due to the extensive amount of flux conservation laws. I understand that each time the VUMPS does subspace expansion, it is introducing new basis states to the variational searching space, but it seems not enough to achieve a fast convergence.

Do you have any suggestions on the possible noise term that can be added to the system or other methods to speed up the convergence?

One possible thing to try for cases of slow convergence is to do a large number of sweeps or iterations while keeping the maximum bond dimension (maxdim) low, like 10 or 20. This can help to find a good approximation to the state while each such sweep can go very fast (eg you could do 100 of them). Then you can raise maxdim and do a smaller number of more accurate sweeps.

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