Sign of hopping term of Hamiltonian is important in VUMPS or DMRG?
When the Hamiltonian is simply given by the hopping term and the U term,
Is there a difference when the sign of the hopping term is positive versus negative?
(U > 0)
Sign of hopping term of Hamiltonian is important in VUMPS or DMRG?
When the Hamiltonian is simply given by the hopping term and the U term,
Is there a difference when the sign of the hopping term is positive versus negative?
(U > 0)
If the lattice is bipartite, then you can do a unitary transformation (-1)^n on every alternate site, which transforms t \rightarrow -t. In that sense, the sign of the hopping doesn’t matter.
If the lattice is not bipartite (eg if you have a next-nearest neighbor hopping) then this transformation doesn’t work anymore (it flips the sign of hopping between different bipartitions, but the sign of hopping between the same bipartition stays the same).
Also @sunam I just want to emphasize that the question of whether the sign of the hopping term in a Hamiltonian gives a different result is not specific to VUMPS or DMRG. It is a purely mathematical question about the properties (eigenvalues and eigenvectors) of two Hamiltonians and the answer would be the same for exact diagonalization, quantum Monte Carlo, or DMRG.
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