VUMPS for infinite BH chain

I am new to VUMPS, and I would like to learn how to use it as it can help me gain information about an infinite-sized chain following the Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian.

I used the Extended Hubbard model example script available in the repository and modified it to work for a bosonic chain.

using ITensors, ITensorMPS
using ITensorInfiniteMPS

base_path = joinpath(pkgdir(ITensorInfiniteMPS), "examples", "vumps", "src")
src_files = ["vumps_subspace_expansion.jl", "entropy.jl"]
for f in src_files
  include(joinpath(base_path, f))

#Bose-Hubbard model
function ITensorInfiniteMPS.unit_cell_terms(::Model"BH_chain";  J, U)
    ampo = OpSum()
    ampo += (-J,"Adag",1,"A",2)      
    ampo += (-J,"Adag",2,"A",1)

    #on-site interactions
    for j=1:2
      ampo +=(0.5, U,"N",j,"N",j)      
      ampo +=(-0.5, U,"N",j)              
    return ampo  

# VUMPS parameters

maxdim = 50 # Maximum bond dimension
cutoff = 1e-6 # Singular value cutoff when increasing the bond dimension
max_vumps_iters = 200 # Maximum number of iterations of the VUMPS algorithm at each bond dimension
vumps_tol = 1e-5
outer_iters = 5 # Number of times to increase the bond dimension
localham_type = MPO # or ITensor
conserve_qns = true
eager = true

model_params = (J=1.0, U=2.0)


N = 2 # Unit cell size

@show N
@show localham_type

#initial guess: one boson per site (full filling)
initstate(n) = "1"
N_occ = 6
s = infsiteinds("Boson", N; initstate, conserve_qns=true, conserve_number=true, dim=N_occ+1)
ψ = InfMPS(s, initstate)

model = Model"BH_chain"()
@show model, model_params

# Form the Hamiltonian
H = InfiniteSum{localham_type}(model, s; model_params...)

# Check translational invariance
println("\nCheck translational invariance of initial infinite MPS")
@show norm(contract(ψ.AL[1:N]..., ψ.C[N]) - contract(ψ.C[0], ψ.AR[1:N]...))

outputlevel = 1
vumps_kwargs = (tol=vumps_tol, maxiter=max_vumps_iters, outputlevel, eager)
subspace_expansion_kwargs = (cutoff=cutoff, maxdim=maxdim)

# For now, to increase the bond dimension you must alternate
# between steps of VUMPS and subspace expansion (which outputs
# a new state that is equal to the original state but with
# a larger bond dimension)

println("\nRun VUMPS on initial product state, unit cell size $N")
ψ = vumps_subspace_expansion(H, ψ; outer_iters, subspace_expansion_kwargs, vumps_kwargs)

# Check translational invariance
println("\nCheck translational invariance of optimized infinite MPS")
@show norm(contract(ψ.AL[1:N]..., ψ.C[N]) - contract(ψ.C[0], ψ.AR[1:N]...))

function expect_two_site(ψ::InfiniteCanonicalMPS, h::ITensor, n1n2)
  n1, n2 = n1n2
  ϕ = ψ.AL[n1] * ψ.AL[n2] * ψ.C[n2]
  return (noprime(ϕ * h) * dag(ϕ))[]

function expect_two_site(ψ::InfiniteCanonicalMPS, h::MPO, n1n2)
  return expect_two_site(ψ, prod(h), n1n2)

function expect_two_site(ψ::MPS, h::ITensor, n1n2)
  n1, n2 = n1n2
  ψ = orthogonalize(ψ, n1)
  ϕ = ψ[n1] * ψ[n2]
  return (noprime(ϕ * h) * dag(ϕ))[]

N_infinite = [expect(ψ, "N", n) for n in 1:N]

bs = [(1, 2), (2, 3)]
energy_infinite = map(b -> expect_two_site(ψ, H[b], b), bs)

# Compare to DMRG

Nfinite = 50
sfinite = siteinds("Boson", Nfinite; conserve_qns=true, conserve_number=true, dim=N_occ+1)
Hfinite = MPO(model, sfinite; model_params...)
ψfinite = random_mps(sfinite, initstate; linkdims=10)
println("\nQN sector of starting finite MPS")
@show flux(ψfinite)

nsweeps = 100
maxdims =
  min.(maxdim, [2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 8, 8, 8, 16, 16, 16, 16, 32, 32, 32, 32, 50])
@show maxdims

println("\nRun DMRG on $Nfinite sites")
energy_finite_total, ψfinite = dmrg(Hfinite, ψfinite; nsweeps, maxdim=maxdims, cutoff)
println("\nEnergy density")
@show energy_finite_total / Nfinite

nfinite = Nfinite ÷ 2 - 1
bsfinite = [(nfinite, nfinite + 1), (nfinite + 1, nfinite + 2)]
hfinite(b) = ITensor(model, [sfinite[b[1]], sfinite[b[2]]]; model_params...)
energy_finite = map(b -> expect_two_site(ψfinite, hfinite(b), b), bsfinite)

N_finite =  expect(ψfinite, "N")[nfinite:(nfinite + 1)]

#energy_exact = reference(model, Observable("energy"); model_params...)

corr_infinite = correlation_matrix(finite_mps(ψ, 1:10), "Adag", "A"; sites=2:11)
corr_finite = correlation_matrix(ψfinite, "Adag", "A"; sites=Int(Nfinite / 2):Int(Nfinite / 2 + 9))

S_finite = [entropy(ψfinite, b) for b in (Nfinite ÷ 2):(Nfinite ÷ 2 + N - 1)]
S_infinite = [entropy(ψ, b) for b in 1:N]

println("\nResults from VUMPS")
@show energy_infinite
@show N_infinite
@show corr_infinite
@show S_infinite

println("\nResults from DMRG")
@show energy_finite
@show N_finite
@show corr_finite
@show S_finite

If I were to run this code, the VUMPS and DMRG are giving same correlation matrices, population number and energy per cell, so I would trust that the routine is working.

However, I am a bit confused on my energies, as I get:

Results from VUMPS
energy_infinite = [-1.5124611797498109, 0.276393202250021]
Results from DMRG
energy_finite = [0.2763932022500227, -1.5124611797498133]
Energy density (from DMRG)
energy_finite_total / Nfinite = -0.5777126151554227

energy_infinite and energy_finite are similar, which is good, but they do not correspond to the resulting total energy / N . Is there something wrong? Or am I forgetting something important?

Is you concern that the energy density from VUMPS:

julia> (-1.5124611797498109 + 0.276393202250021) / 2

doesn’t match energy_finite_total / Nfinite = -0.5777126151554227? That could just be from finite size effects, the boundaries of the finite system have different energy from the bulk. You would have to extrapolate the energy to the thermodynamic limit by running finite DMRG at different system sizes to see if they match.

Hello Matt,

thank you for the answer, that makes sense. I think I was expecting the finite and infinite energy values to be closer, but all the other results are behaving as expected.

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