I have a convergence problem that I think must be simple to spot since I am by no means a DMRG specialist. I’ve been trying to get some simple expectation values for the following model:
It has only six sites, so I can compare these results with exact diagonalization. Every time I run the code, I get a different value for my expectation values. Since it is a one-dimensional chain with only two interacting sites, I think DMRG should be able to handle it perfectly. Which means I did something wrong. Would anyone have any idea how to correct my error?
I am writing the code here since it’s minimal.
Kind regards,
Ana Luiza
function chi(; N, U, t, V, Vg, h)
i1 = 1
i2 = 4
sweeps = Sweeps(20)
setmaxdim!(sweeps, 10, 20, 40, 800)
setcutoff!(sweeps, 1e-6)
setnoise!(sweeps, 1e-6, 1e-7, 1e-8, 1e-8,1e-8,1e-8,1e-8,1e-8,1e-8,1e-8,1e-8, 1e-11)
sites = siteinds("Electron", N+2)
hop = fill(-t, (N-1))
ampo = OpSum()
for i in collect(1:N-1)
ampo += hop[i], "Cdagup", i, "Cup", i+1
ampo += hop[i], "Cdagup", i+1, "Cup", i
ampo += hop[i], "Cdagdn", i, "Cdn", i+1
ampo += hop[i], "Cdagdn", i+1, "Cdn", i
ampo += Vg, "Nup", N+1
ampo += Vg, "Ndn", N+1
ampo += Vg + h, "Nup", N+2
ampo += Vg - h, "Ndn", N+2
ampo += 0, "Nupdn", N+1
ampo += U, "Nupdn", N+2
ampo += V, "Cdagup", i1, "Cup", N+1
ampo += V, "Cdagup", N+1, "Cup", i1
ampo += V, "Cdagdn", i1, "Cdn", N+1
ampo += V, "Cdagdn", N+1, "Cdn", i1
ampo += V, "Cdagup", i2, "Cup", N+2
ampo += V, "Cdagup", N+2, "Cup", i2
ampo += V, "Cdagdn", i2, "Cdn", N+2
ampo += V, "Cdagdn", N+2, "Cdn", i2
H = MPO(ampo, sites)
psi0 = randomMPS(sites, 10)
energy, psi = dmrg(H, psi0, sweeps)
bondket = psi[N+1]*psi[N+2]
bondbra = dag(prime(bondket,"Site"))
zzop = op(sites,"Sz",N+1)*op(sites,"Sz",N+2)
Szcorr = scalar(bondbra*zzop*bondket)