The issue of Unicode character input in Julia

Hello all,
I am learning the example program in ITensorTDVP.jl. When I read this program, I found that the wave functions in the program are written in a format called Unicode character like \psi or \phi.

ψ = MPS(s, initstate)
dmrg_x_kwargs = (
  nsweeps=10, reverse_step=false, normalize=true, maxdim=20, cutoff=1e-10, outputlevel=1
ϕ = dmrg_x(H, ψ; dmrg_x_kwargs...)

This naming method is very concise and clear, so I plan to do the same. But after multiple attempts, I was not successful.
So I would like to ask how I can quickly and easily use a similar method to name variables. I am using Jupyter Notebook.
Thank you for your time.

In general you would type something like \psi followed by pressing the “tab” key on your keyboard. That’s the case for most editors (as long as you have the Julia plugin installed for the editor you are using), I assume it is the same for Jupyter notebooks.

Thank you very much, Matt.
Based on your suggestion, I quickly implemented this feature.