Hi everyone,
I want to calculate the S_{z}(M)S_{z}(i) correlation function in the thermal state for a Heisenberg spin-1/2 model. To construct the thermal state, I used the ancilla method, where each pair of sites (physical + ancilla) was initialized in the state 1/ sqrt 2 (∣up up⟩+∣down down⟩), then performed imaginary time evolution up to \beta/2 using TDVP method. Odd sites are the physical sites, and even sites are the ancilla sites.
Here is the code attached:
using namespace itensor;
int main()
int N = 10;
int num_sites = 2 * N;
auto beta = 0.1;
auto nsteps = 5;
auto delta_beta = 0.05; // Increment for beta
auto num_beta_steps = 5;
auto sites = SpinHalf(num_sites, {"ConserveQNs=", false}); // 2N sites
auto psi = MPS(sites);
for(int n = 1; n <= 2*N; n += 2)
auto s1 = sites(n);
auto s2 = sites(n+1);
auto wf = ITensor(s1,s2);
wf.set(s1(1),s2(1), 1.0 / std::sqrt(2.0));
wf.set(s1(2),s2(2), 1.0 / std::sqrt(2.0));
ITensor D;
psi.ref(n) = ITensor(s1);
psi.ref(n+1) = ITensor(s2);
psi.ref(n) *= D;
auto ampo = AutoMPO(sites);
for (int j = 1; j < num_sites-1; j += 2) {
ampo += 0.5, "S+", j, "S-", j + 2;
ampo += 0.5, "S-", j, "S+", j + 2;
ampo += 1.0, "Sz", j, "Sz", j + 2;
auto H = toMPO(ampo);
// TDVP parameters
auto sweeps = Sweeps(1);
sweeps.maxdim() = 64;
sweeps.cutoff() = 1E-10;
sweeps.niter() = 10;
auto current_beta = beta;
for (int bstep = 0; bstep < num_beta_steps; ++bstep)
auto psi1 = psi; // Initialize or reuse the MPS state
current_beta = beta + bstep * delta_beta;
for (int n = 1; n <= nsteps; ++n)
psi1 = tdvp(psi1, H, -(current_beta) / (2 * nsteps), sweeps, {
"truncate", true,
"DoNormalize", true,
"Quiet", true,
"NumCenter", 2});
// m = middle spin of the chain (only physical sites considered)
int m = 0.5*(num_sites-2);
auto op_m = op(sites, "Sz", m);
for (auto j = 1; j <= (num_sites-1); j += 2)
// Make the operator for site j
auto op_j = op(sites, "Sz", j);
println("Correlation (<S_z(M) S_z_" ">) = ", m," ", j);
if (m < j)
auto psidag = dag(psi1);
auto li_1 = leftLinkIndex(psi1, m);
auto C = prime(psi1(m), li_1) * op_m;
C *= prime(psidag(m), "Site");
for (int k = m + 1; k < j; ++k)
C *= psi1(k);
C *= psidag(k);
auto lj = rightLinkIndex(psi1, j);
C *= prime(psi1(j), lj) * op_j;
C *= prime(psidag(j), "Site");
// Debugging: Print the indices of C to ensure correct contraction
// std::cout << "Indices of C before elt: " << inds(C) << std::endl;
auto result = elt(C);
println("Correlation (<S^z_M S^z_", j, ">) = ", result);
else if (m > j)
auto psidag = dag(psi1);
auto lj_1 = leftLinkIndex(psi1, j);
auto C = prime(psi1(j), lj_1) * op_j;
C *= prime(psidag(j), "Site");
for (int k = j + 1; k < m; ++k)
C *= psi1(k);
C *= psidag(k);
auto li = rightLinkIndex(psi1, m);
C *= prime(psi1(m), li) * op_m;
C *= prime(psidag(m), "Site");
// Debugging: Print the indices of C to ensure correct contraction
// std::cout << "Indices of C before elt: " << inds(C) << std::endl;
auto result = elt(C);
println("Correlation (<S_z(M) S_z", (j), ">) = ", result);
return 0;
After the TDVP time evolution, the state \psi (represented as an MPS) is being printed as
psi =
ITensor ord=2: (dim=2|id=261|“Link”) (dim=2|id=645|“n=1,Site,S=1/2”)
{norm=1.00 (Dense Real)}
ITensor ord=3: (dim=4|id=239) (dim=2|id=65|“n=2,Site,S=1/2”) (dim=2|id=261|“Link”)
{norm=1.41 (Dense Real)}
ITensor ord=3: (dim=8|id=210|“Link”) (dim=2|id=426|“n=3,Site,S=1/2”) (dim=4|id=239)
{norm=2.00 (Dense Real)}
ITensor ord=3: (dim=4|id=193) (dim=2|id=232|“n=4,Site,S=1/2”) (dim=8|id=210|“Link”)
{norm=2.83 (Dense Real)}
ITensor ord=3: (dim=8|id=377|“Link”) (dim=2|id=282|“n=5,Site,S=1/2”) (dim=4|id=193)
{norm=2.00 (Dense Real)}
ITensor ord=3: (dim=4|id=900) (dim=2|id=752|“n=6,Site,S=1/2”) (dim=8|id=377|“Link”)
{norm=2.83 (Dense Real)}
ITensor ord=3: (dim=8|id=807|“Link”) (dim=2|id=991|“n=7,Site,S=1/2”) (dim=4|id=900)
{norm=2.00 (Dense Real)}
ITensor ord=3: (dim=4|id=189) (dim=2|id=788|“n=8,Site,S=1/2”) (dim=8|id=807|“Link”)
{norm=2.83 (Dense Real)}
ITensor ord=3: (dim=8|id=286|“Link”) (dim=2|id=577|“n=9,Site,S=1/2”) (dim=4|id=189)
{norm=2.00 (Dense Real)}
ITensor ord=3: (dim=4|id=667) (dim=2|id=719|“n=10,Site,S=1/2”) (dim=8|id=286|“Link”)
{norm=2.83 (Dense Real)}
ITensor ord=3: (dim=8|id=356|“Link”) (dim=2|id=469|“n=11,Site,S=1/2”) (dim=4|id=667)
{norm=2.00 (Dense Real)}
ITensor ord=3: (dim=4|id=808) (dim=2|id=160|“n=12,Site,S=1/2”) (dim=8|id=356|“Link”)
{norm=2.83 (Dense Real)}
ITensor ord=3: (dim=8|id=886|“Link”) (dim=2|id=157|“n=13,Site,S=1/2”) (dim=4|id=808)
{norm=2.00 (Dense Real)}
ITensor ord=3: (dim=4|id=331) (dim=2|id=98|“n=14,Site,S=1/2”) (dim=8|id=886|“Link”)
{norm=2.83 (Dense Real)}
ITensor ord=3: (dim=8|id=12|“Link”) (dim=2|id=447|“n=15,Site,S=1/2”) (dim=4|id=331)
{norm=2.00 (Dense Real)}
ITensor ord=3: (dim=4|id=951) (dim=2|id=785|“n=16,Site,S=1/2”) (dim=8|id=12|“Link”)
{norm=2.83 (Dense Real)}
ITensor ord=3: (dim=8|id=719|“Link”) (dim=2|id=110|“n=17,Site,S=1/2”) (dim=4|id=951)
{norm=2.00 (Dense Real)}
ITensor ord=3: (dim=4|id=360) (dim=2|id=360|“n=18,Site,S=1/2”) (dim=8|id=719|“Link”)
{norm=2.83 (Dense Real)}
ITensor ord=3: (dim=2|id=890|“Link”) (dim=2|id=401|“n=19,Site,S=1/2”) (dim=4|id=360)
{norm=2.00 (Dense Real)}
ITensor ord=2: (dim=2|id=68|“n=20,Site,S=1/2”) (dim=2|id=890|“Link”)
{norm=1.41 (Dense Real)}
I verified the energy against the Exact Diagonalization (ED) results, and they match well. However, when calculating the S_z(M)S_z(i)> correlation function, where M is the middle spin (used as the reference) and i is any other site index, it shows the following error:
Correlation (<S^z_M S^z_>) = 9 1
Correlation (<S^z_M S^z_1>) = 3.78032e-26
Correlation (<S^z_M S^z_>) = 9 3
inds() = (dim=4|id=405)’ (dim=4|id=405)
From line 89, file itensor.cc
Wrong number of IndexVals passed to elt/eltC (expected 0, got 2)
Wrong number of IndexVals passed to elt/eltC (expected 0, got 2)
Aborted (core dumped)
Any suggestion would be really helpful.
Thank you in advance.