Hi Miles and Matt (and any other admin),
In the typical calculation of von Neumann (or Renyi) entropy, one gauge the center and then perform SVD around the gauge center (hence bipartition the chain into left/right bipartition etc) and obtain U, S, and V matrices respectively where U contains ket(a){left}, S is non-negative singular values s_a (from which we use to get n-th Renyi entropy) and V contains the basis set ket(a){right}.
If I want to instead get bipartite reduced density matrix, say rho_{left}, do we have to resort to constructing it from the row vectors of U and construct rho_{left} = \sum_a s_a^2 ket{a}{left} bra{a}{left} from scratch, or is there more efficient or built-in algorithm within iTensor Julia that can do the job easily?
I need rho_{left} (or rho_{right)}, and not any arbitrary n-sites reduced density matrix that is shown in the tutorial âconstruct two site reduced density matrixâ, which if I understand correctly scales exponentially with number of sites. Since what I want is bipartition, presumably it shouldnât scale exponentially?
I need the bipartite reduced density matrix to construct something known in literature called âsymmetry-resolved entanglementâ (to compute things like Eqn (3) in the MPS context, like this paper (done for exact diagonalization I think): Entanglement asymmetry as a probe of symmetry breaking | Nature Communications ).