I’m trying to import an MPS in HDF5 format in python.
Of all the data contained in the file, I’ve extracted only the components that I needed to read the values inside the MPS.
Each mps tensor, contains a vector of float which are the value different from 0, and an offsets object that give information about in which block the data is not 0.
{'data': array([ 9.99233978e-01, -3.91338417e-02, -6.12386558e-10, -8.88178420e-15,
3.22253884e-06, 3.89747029e-09, -2.49062916e-01, 2.16631132e-06,
6.16173779e-15, 8.57122151e-11, -5.47718360e-03, -1.16275436e-01,
-3.23899185e-10, -2.51718972e-01, -3.93968386e-09, 1.58006064e-09,
-5.67219778e-01, 9.68487168e-01, 4.50166647e-04, -2.57321454e-04,
2.94209102e-15, 1.79324504e-05, 1.76508249e-15, -1.01415632e-03,
-9.66351958e-01, -1.99233940e-01, 8.31695823e-14, 1.13660573e-01,
-8.82614208e-16, -1.64590563e-13, -5.45195779e-13, -3.21726803e-13,
-7.84155140e-01, -4.65105732e-12, -4.49876820e-11, 3.89411336e-01,
-8.78305991e-01, 2.16576571e-01, -2.67414464e-14, -6.32869735e-02,
-1.44138174e-14, 3.74064820e-01, 3.07336758e-01, 8.17120438e-01,
-2.44312687e-13, 1.12015076e-01, 1.64625258e-14, -1.65344821e-14,
-1.47631126e-14, 3.58094190e-15, -2.77674267e-11, -5.57448322e-15,
4.84002892e-01, 3.76647383e-10, -1.60041481e-01, -2.03339403e-02,
-3.64485763e-10, -6.81958705e-10, 2.89771192e-01, -3.76709004e-02,
-6.75240161e-10, 8.75065464e-01, 2.05941465e-09, 2.29161135e-11,
-1.27834978e-03, 2.10775034e-02, 4.96030312e-11, -4.27827354e-09,
2.38678051e-01, 9.70869984e-01]),
'offset': [([2, 1, 1], 0),
([1, 2, 1], 1),
([2, 2, 2], 5),
([1, 3, 2], 17),
([2, 3, 3], 35),
([1, 4, 3], 53),
([2, 4, 4], 65),
([1, 5, 4], 69)],
'n_site': 4,
'tag': ['n=4', 'l=4', 'l=3'],
'dims': [2, 16, 8]}
If i want to reconstruct whole tensor in python, starting from a np.zeros(dims) , where I can find the information about which index or indices I have to iterate over to insert the values?
Otherwise, I can directly convert each mps tensor into array(ITensor(mps[i])), save it into a JSON file, and read it from python changing the construction order of a np.array from row major to column major.