ProjMPOSum doesn't save to disk?

It looks like ProjMPOSum does not have saving to disk implemented. Is that right?
I get an error
no method matching disk(::ProjMPOSum; path="…

Is this implemented in the development version?

Yes, you’re right and it’s something we should have - thanks. I just made pull request here & hopefully we’ll get it merged in really soon.

Wow, such a speedy response! Thanks!

No problem! It’s now merged into the development version if you want to access it that way. Please let me know of course if there are any issues with it.

I sort of tried it-- but I turned on threading and found that the threaded version still doesn’t have it, apparently.
ERROR: LoadError: MethodError: no method matching disk(::ThreadedProjMPOSum; path=“/dfs4/srwhite-lab/srw/Be_6_0.11625_0.465/temp”)
Closest candidates are:

I’ll try it with threading turned off to check that.

The disk saving seems to work well as long as threading is not used.

I just submitted a new PR that might make this very easy to fix. The only question I have is: where is ThreadedProjMPOSum defined? Is it a custom type you are using or from ITensors.jl?

ItensorParallel has ThreadedProjMPOSum

@srwhite it would be easy to add support to ThreadedProjMPOSum in the same way. @miles it’s defined here: ITensorParallel.jl/threaded_projmposum.jl at main · ITensor/ITensorParallel.jl · GitHub

A quick update that once we merge it is written in a way that disk will then directly work for the parallelized MPO sum types in ITensorParallel.jl (once I update that library to make use of the new AbstractSum interface).