partial MPS-MPO contraction


Is it possible to do a “partial overlap” of an MPS with an MPO?

I try to do the following: for an MPO on sites 1:N and an MPS on sites 1:n (with n<N) I’d like to get the MPO on sites n+1:N corresponding to \langle MPS | MPO| MPS\rangle. If the MPO is a density matrix it would correspond to a local projective measurement of |MPS\rangle \langle MPS| (I think :sweat_smile:).

Thanks a lot for any answer!

Interesting question: yes, that’s definitely something you can do with ITensor. Here are some diagrams showing how to do it and some sample code that implements this approach:

using ITensors

  N = 8
  Nh = N÷2
  s = siteinds("S=1/2",N)

  psi = randomMPS(s[1:Nh])
  M = randomMPO(s)

  # Project the left half of M with psi
  L = ITensor(1.)
  for n=1:Nh
    L *= psi[n]
    L *= M[n]
    L *= prime(dag(psi[n]))

  # Make a new MPO with the remaining tensors of M
  MP = MPO(M[Nh+1:N])

  # Multiply the tensor representing the projection
  # with psi into MP
  MP[1] *= L

  @show MP


Of course you’ll want to replace the random MPS and MPO with your MPS and MPO. To write N÷2 you can type N\div then hit Tab then 2. Or you can use div(N,2).

The numbers in the figure, showing how the tensor L is made, refer to the order in which the MPS and MPO tensors can be contracted in an efficient way.


Thanks a lot, that’s exactly what I’ve been looking for!
A followup question: for complex valued psi I need to do L *= prime(dag(psi[n]))?

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Great! It’s a good point about including a call to dag for the primed MPS tensors. That is definitely necessary if the MPS is complex-valued or if the tensors conserve quantum numbers. So I just edited the code above to include a call to dag there. It never hurts to be correct about that so that the same code can handle all cases!