Hope this finds you well. I am currently trying to calculate correlations on my ground state MPS. Unfortunately, because of how my lattice is arranged, some of the two-site operators I am trying to apply act on sites that are spaced 6 sites apart. The local site dimension is also very large. In all, this results in huge memory requirements. Here is some code describing my operator and how I am applying it to the MPS:
This is my operator
function Δ̂(sites, s1::Int, s2::Int)
# Δ_ij = 1/√2 * (c↑i c↓j - c↓i c↑j)
if s1 > s2 # ordering matters!
@warn "s1 > s2"
s1, s2 = s2, s1
# First part
Δ1 = op("Cup",sites[s1])
for s in (s1+1):(s2-1)
Δ1 *= op("F",sites[s])
Δ1 *= op("Cdn",sites[s2])
# Second part
Δ2 = op("Cdn",sites[s1])
for s in (s1+1):(s2-1)
Δ2 *= op("F",sites[s])
Δ2 *= op("Cup",sites[s2])
# Take difference and normalize
Δ = 1/sqrt(2)*(Δ1 - Δ2)
This is my code for applying the operator to an MPS at sites s1 and s2
function apply_twosite_operator(ϕ::MPS, opname::String, sites, s1::Int, s2::Int)
ϕ = copy(ϕ)
if opname == "pSC"
Π = Π̂(sites, s1, s2)
return apply(Π, ϕ)
elseif opname == "dSC"
Δ = Δ̂(sites, s1, s2)
return apply(Δ, ϕ)
@error "No recognized two-site operator"
Given that my Hamiltonian involves terms like c^\dagger_i c_j, where i and j are 6 sites apart, and the DMRG code runs perfectly fine without throwing an out-of-memory error, I am led to believe that my naive implementation and/or application of the \Delta_{ij} \propto (c_{i\uparrow}c_{j\downarrow} - c_{\downarrow i}c_{\uparrow j}) operator is just extremely memory inefficient. Do you have any suggestions? How is this step implemented in the DMRG code?
Thank you very much! Have a great week, and thanks again for all the wonderful work you do with ITensor.