I am trying to define a new sitetype which I call “SpinBoson”. It should be used to create sites with dimension 2*d, where d is the boson cutoff (essentially a qudit, where the operators should be Kronecker products of spin and boson operators).
Please see how I define a state and an OpSum:
using ITensors
ITensors.space(::SiteType"SpinBoson", d::Int) = 2*d # space dimension is twice the phonon cutoff
ITensors.state(::StateName"↓0", ::SiteType"SpinBoson", s::Index) = [if i==1 1.0 else 0.0 end for i=1:dim(s)] # ground state
""" Setup parameters """
N = 2 # number of sites
d = 6 # boson cutoff dimension
sites = [siteind("SpinBoson", d) for _ in 1:N] # site indices
states = ["↓0" for _ in 1:N] # ground state
psi = MPS(sites, states); # initialize state in ground state
@show psi
""" apply some operator """
function ITensors.op(::OpName"Ia", ::SiteType"SpinBoson", s::Index)
d = Int(dim(s)/2)
mat = zeros(d, d)
for k in 1:(d - 1)
mat[k+1, k] = √k
return kron(Matrix(I,2,2), mat)
os = OpSum()
os += 1.0,"Ia",1,"Ia",2
Op = MPO(os, sites)
psi_new = apply(Op, psi)
I get the error:
ERROR: MethodError: Cannot `convert` an object of type Matrix{Float64} to an object of type ITensor
What am I doing wrong here? I can define a single site operator “Ia” and construct an MPO from it, But the OpSum does not work for some reason.
Would be happy for some advice about that.