Hi there!
I have a question about Mixed state that involve electrons and spin-1/2. I have a system with electrons and one spin-1/2. I would like to conserve fermion parity for electrons only and for the whole system z component of total spin S^z_{tot}= S_{el}^z + S_{S=1/2}^z.
When setting conserve_sz = true separately for electrons and S=1/2 site , does the code conserve Sz for each of these sectors separately or it coserves total Sz of the whole system?
This is how I define sites and then to fix Sz sector I initialise the MPS with corresponding spin configuration, but I am not sure if this conserves total_sz, at least when I later evolve my state with the Hamiltonian there is no difference between “conserved_sz = true” and “conserved_sz = false” cases.
function create_sites(N)
sites = Vector{Index}(undef,N)
Nimp = Int64((N+1)/2)
for n=1:N
if n < Nimp || n > Nimp
sites[n] = siteind("Electron"; addtags="n=$n",conserve_nfparity=true, conserve_sz = true)
sites[n] = siteind("S=1/2"; addtags="n=$n",conserve_sz = true)
return sites, Nimp
Thanks in advance!