Dear all,
Can we set infinite U in Fermi Hubbard (spinfull) 1D model?
How it can be implemented in ITensor Julia?
Yes, there is a tJ
site type
sites = siteinds("tJ",N)
docs page:"tJ"-SiteType
Source code:
conserve_qns = false,
conserve_sz = conserve_qns,
conserve_nf = conserve_qns,
conserve_nfparity = conserve_qns,
qnname_sz = "Sz",
qnname_nf = "Nf",
qnname_nfparity = "NfParity")
Create the Hilbert space for a site of type "tJ".
Optionally specify the conserved symmetries and their quantum number labels.
function space(
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Thank you for your reply.
One more question. Is it possible to add Neel spin pattern symmetry to tJ model?
There was similar question about this symmetry:
Dear Itensorians,
I’m considering the t-j model (3 local states per site) with t=1 and J=0. In this limit, one recovers the U=\infty Hubbard model, where double occupation of a given site excluded from the Hilbert space. Suppose I consider open chain of L sites. Then, I have U(1) symmetry of particle number conservation and conservation of the spin pattern (ITensors allow only conservation of the total Sz). The latter symmetry implies that the Hamiltonian conserves not only the total Sz, but a…
To my knowledge it is not currently implemented and you’d have to implement it yourself (assuming you can write that as an abelian symmetry)