how to construct two component bose hubbard model in Julia Itensor?

Hello everyone,
I went through the answers to code 2 component bose Hubbard model in the Itensor C++ version however I was not able to code in the Julia version. Could you please let me know the way to code the following hamiltonian?

Starting with the C++ code here I came up with this:

using ITensors
function two_component_BH(N::Int64;U=1.0,U12=-0.5,t1=0.5,t2=0.25,kwargs...)
    sites = siteinds("Boson",N;conserve_qns=true,conserve_number=false)
    op = OpSum()
    for i in 1:2:N-3
        op += -U/2, "N", i
        op += U/2, "N", i,"N",i
        op += -t1, "a", i, "a†", i + 2
        op += -t1, "a†", i, "a", i + 2
    op += -U/2, "N", N-1
    op += U/2, "N", N-1,"N",N-1

    for i in 2:2:N-2
        op += -U/2, "N", i
        op += U/2, "N", i,"N",i
        op += -t2, "a", i, "a†", i + 2
        op += -t2, "a†", i, "a", i + 2
    op += -U/2, "N", N
    op += U/2, "N", N,"N",N

    for i in 1:2:N-1
        op +=U12, "N", i,"N",i+1


Hopefully you can adjust this to meet your needs. ITensors uses “a” and “a†” for bosons, and “c” and “c†” for fermions. There details are here.

Let us know how you make out.
Kind Regards