Hi, I’m studying the 1D Bose-Hubbard model and trying to reproduce the Mott insulator-superfluid phase transition. Here’s my Hamiltonian:
I would like to calculate the expectation value of the annihilation operator as the superfluid order parameter, i.e. \langle\hat a_j\rangle. As far as I know, DMRG doesn’t spontaneously break U(1) symmetry so I would need to add a pinning field for a few sweeps to force symmetry breaking. According to some reference I’ve found (arxiv:2409.15424) this can be done by adding a symmetry breaking term to the edge of the Hamiltonian, i.e.
do a few sweeps with H_\mathrm{SB}, then use the calculated MPS to do DMRG with the original Hamiltonian. Here’s my result:
I would expect the order parameter to be zero for \mu<\mu_{\mathrm c} (Mott insulator), and smooth for \mu>\mu_{\mathrm c} (superfluid). However, here the order parameter is not strictly zero for the Mott insulator phase, and shows fluctuation for the superfluid phase. The phase transition point seems accurate (according to PhysRevB.58.R14741). Is this behavior expected? Where did I do wrong? Thanks!
Here’s my code:
using ITensors, ITensorMPS, Statistics, Plots, HDF5, Printf
function hamiltonian(os::OpSum, J::Number, U::Number, mu::Number, Nsite::Int64)
for i=2:(Nsite-1)
os += J,"a†",(i+1),"a",i
os += J,"a†",(i-1),"a",i
os += U/2,"n",i,"n",i
os += (-U/2-mu),"n",i
os += J,"a†",2,"a",1
os += J,"a†",(Nsite-1),"a",Nsite
for i=(1,Nsite)
os += U/2,"n",i,"n",i
os += (-U/2-mu),"n",i
return os
function hamiltonianSB(os::OpSum, J::Number, U::Number, mu::Number, Nsite::Int64)
for i=2:(Nsite-1)
os += J,"a†",(i+1),"a",i
os += J,"a†",(i-1),"a",i
os += U/2,"n",i,"n",i
os += (-U/2-mu),"n",i
os += J,"a†",2,"a",1
os += J,"a†",(Nsite-1),"a",Nsite
for i=(1,Nsite)
os += U/2,"n",i,"n",i
os += (-U/2-mu),"n",i
os += (1E-2),"a†",1
os += (1E-2),"a",1
return os
mutable struct EnergyDiffObserver <: AbstractObserver
EnergyDiffObserver(energy_tol=0.0) = new(energy_tol,1000.0)
function ITensors.checkdone!(o::EnergyDiffObserver;kwargs...)
sw = kwargs[:sweep]
energy = kwargs[:energy]
o.this_diff = abs(energy-o.last_energy)/abs(energy)
if abs(energy-o.last_energy)/abs(energy) < o.energy_tol
println("Stopping DMRG after sweep $sw")
return true
# Otherwise, update last_energy and keep going
o.last_energy = energy
return false
n = 100
etol = 1E-6
d = 10
sites = siteinds("Boson", n, dim = d)
os = OpSum()
J = 0.1
U = 1
mu = 0.6
os = OpSum()
H_SB = hamiltonianSB(os, J, U, mu, n)
HMPO_SB = MPO(H_SB, sites)
psi0 = random_mps(sites; linkdims=10)
nsweeps = 10
maxdim = 10:20:220
cutoff = [1E-8]
obs = EnergyDiffObserver(etol)
@printf("calculating SB\n")
energy,psi_SB = dmrg(HMPO_SB, psi0;
nsweeps, maxdim, cutoff, observer=obs, outputlevel=1)
H = hamiltonian(os, J, U, mu, n)
HMPO = MPO(H, sites)
psi1 = psi_SB
nsweeps = 50
maxdim = 10:20:220
cutoff = [1E-8]
obs = EnergyDiffObserver(etol)
@printf("calculating no SB\n")
energy,psi = dmrg(HMPO,psi1;
nsweeps, maxdim, cutoff, observer=obs, outputlevel=1)
abs_a_expect = abs.(expect(psi, "a"; sites=1:n))