From Add support for setting slices of an ITensor by mtfishman · Pull Request #535 · ITensor/ITensors.jl · GitHub, I see that it is possible to set ITensors elements array-wise.
I was wondering if it is possible to similarly get ITensor elements Array-wise. Something like getting B in the following:
using ITensors
i = Index(2)
j = Index(2)
k = Index(2)
l = Index(2)
A = randomITensor(i,j,k,l)
B = A[i=>1, j=>2, k=>1:end, l=>1:end]
In this case, B would result in a 2x2 array or, even better, an ITensor with indices (i,j).
I am using Julia v1.7.0 and ITensors v0.3.18
Thanks in advance for any reply!