I have the following problem with iTensor c++: I followed all the instructions to install iTensor, download and build the libraries. Everything seems to be fine since I run the code; when I run the code (for instance myappname.cc) what I find is:
myappname.cc:1:10:fatal error:‘itensor/all.h’ file not found
#include “itensor/all.h”
1 error generated.
However, I am almost sure that the libraries are well builded, in the ‘lib’ directory I have the two files ‘libtensor.a’ and ‘libtensor-g.a’.
What I have to do to run the code without problems?
I’ve Just solved the problem. Probably It was stupid, I think It is related to the fact that I put the itensor folder in the desktop. After putting it in the home the problem seems to be solved