Thanks for the question. I think I see two issues here:
the main issue is that your operator, as written, is not Hermitian. Our toExpH system assumes a Hermitian operator, currently. (Plus I think you intended to write a Hermitian Hamiltonian.) The operator "C",j,"Cdag",j+1 is not the Hermitian conjugate of the operator "Cdag",j,"C",j+1. Instead you need to use the rule (c^\dag_j c_{j+1})^\dagger = c^\dagger_{j+1} c_j where one uses the fact that the \dagger operation reverses the ordering of the operators also.
the other issue is not your fault, but is apparently a limitation of the AutoMPO system which is that I find the code for toExpH works only when you combine operators on a single site, so writing "N",j instead of "Cdag",j,"C",j even though they are mathematically equivalent.