I am trying to find the entanglement entropy at a critical point belonging to the Ising universality class.
I get the usual semi circular trend for the entanglement entropy for system sizes 64 and 128 as shown below
But for sizes 256 and 512 I get two peaks on the sides with a valley in the middle.
Could anyone tell why I am getting this discrepancy and how to fix it, if possible.
Is it perhaps because of the thrown out singular values during the truncations, or is it because I am not exactly at the critical point or some other reason altogether?
The DMRG converged well with an energy tolerance of 10e-8. Two point expectations are also coming as expected. I had set the singular values cutoff at 10e-11 and did roughly 30-40 sweeps until the energy converged starting from 50 bond dimensions and gradually going up to 400, though DMRG converged at roughly 200 bond dimensions only.