Difficulty with simulating a specific model with VUMPS (that works perfectly fine with regular DMRG)

There is limited functionality here unfortunately (there is a bit of a question of how to take a finite MPS and make it into a uniform state). Matt has added something to attempt this

However last time I tried this I don’t believe it had quantum numbers working (PRs welcome!)

The same save/load functionality exists here as well. Here’s an example on saving loading

using HDF5
using ITensorInfiniteMPS
using ITensorMPS

# do stuff to get a state
psi = ...
h5open("my_wavefunction.h5","w") do fo
  # example metadata, needs vector for hdf5 conversion
  write(fo, "model_params", [model_params]) 


psi, model_params = h5open("my_wavefunction.h5","r") do fi
  read(fi,"psi",InfiniteCanonicalMPS), read(fi,"model_params")[1]
s = siteinds(psi) 

model = #...
# load H using matching indices from old calculation
H = InfiniteSum{localham_type}(model, s; model_params...)