Hi I am performing a time evolution for a 13 level qudit model where I define the following sitetype:
ITensors.space(::SiteType"SU2") = 13
sites = siteinds(“SU2”,N)
I want to use as initial state a MPS with bond dimension 2 where I know each element.
The problem is that sitetype seems to work only for the definition of product states not for MPS with higher bond dimension, is that true?
I have tried to define the MPS by end setting on each element the right tensor.
where T is an ITensor(i,j,k)
The problem is that such state gives error when used as initial state for the time evolution defined in the sitetype environment.
For instance while a random mps (for three sites) with bond dimension 2 reads:
[1] ((dim=13|id=913|“SU2,Site,n=1”), (dim=2|id=69|“Link,l=1”))
[2] ((dim=2|id=69|“Link,l=1”), (dim=13|id=67|“SU2,Site,n=2”), (dim=2|id=518|“Link,l=2”))
[3] ((dim=2|id=518|“Link,l=2”), (dim=13|id=459|“SU2,Site,n=3”))
The MPS constructed by scratch reads:
1] ((dim=13|id=321|“index_j”), (dim=2|id=406|“index_i”))
[2] ((dim=2|id=406|“index_i”), (dim=13|id=321|“index_j”), (dim=2|id=861|“index_k”))
[3] ((dim=2|id=861|“index_k”), (dim=13|id=321|“index_j”))
There is some way to convert the second to the same sitetype style?
Many thanks in advance!