Dear ITensors Team,
I am attempting to run ITensors in an HPC environment using Distributed.jl. In my code, I am defining some custom operators. However, these operators fail to work correctly on individual workers and raise the following error: UndefVarError: @OpName_str not defined in Main
This occurs despite the fact that the code has been properly transferred to the workers using @everywhere.
It seems I might be misunderstanding how ITensors.op operates in this distributed context. Could you kindly provide guidance or point me toward a solution?
Thank you for your support.
First here is a minimal code without Distributed which works as accepted:
using ITensors, ITensorMPS
import LinearAlgebra: diagm
# set parameter
const dim_charge_basis = 21
# Simple function to create a custom operator
function create_operator_matrix(op_name::Symbol, dim_charge_basis::Int)
if op_name == :z
cutoff = dim_charge_basis/2
return diagm(Array(range(-cutoff,cutoff-1)))
return I
# Overload ITensors.op for our custom boson operator
ITensors.op(::OpName"Z", ::SiteType"Boson", d::Int) = create_operator_matrix(:z, dim_charge_basis)
# A test function
function mini_ham(dim_charge_basis::Int)
os = OpSum()
os += 0.5, "Z", 1, "Z", 1
sites = siteinds("Boson", 1, dim = dim_charge_basis)
mpo = MPO(os, sites)
return mpo
op_on_worker = mini_ham(21)
@show op_on_worker
Here is the distributed version:
using ITensors
using Distributed
# Add one worker for testing
@everywhere begin
using ITensors, ITensorMPS
import LinearAlgebra: diagm
# set parameter
const dim_charge_basis = 21
# Simple function to create a custom operator
function create_operator_matrix(op_name::Symbol, dim_charge_basis::Int)
if op_name == :z
cutoff = dim_charge_basis/2
return diagm(Array(range(-cutoff,cutoff-1)))
return I
# Overload ITensors.op for our custom boson operator
ITensors.op(::OpName"Z", ::SiteType"Boson", d::Int) = create_operator_matrix(:z, dim_charge_basis)
# A test function
function mini_ham(dim_charge_basis::Int)
os = OpSum()
os += 0.5, "Z", 1, "Z", 1
sites = siteinds("Boson", 1, dim = dim_charge_basis)
mpo = MPO(os, sites)
return mpo
# Fetch operator from worker 2
op_on_worker = remotecall_fetch(mini_ham, 2, 21)
@show op_on_worker
# Compare with expected 2x2 matrix
expected_op = remotecall_fetch(() -> diagm(Array(range(-charge_cutoff, charge_cutoff))), 2)
@show expected_op
Which results in the following error:
ERROR: LoadError: On worker 2:
LoadError: UndefVarError: `@OpName_str` not defined in `Main`
Suggestion: this global was defined as `ITensors.SiteTypes.var"@OpName_str"` but not assigned a value.
Hint: a global variable of this name also exists in ITensors.
Hint: a global variable of this name also exists in ITensorMPS.
I am using the following environment:
Julia Version = 1.11.3
ITensorMPS = 0.2.6
ITensors = 0.6.22