Comparative Analysis of Exact Diagonalization Strategies in ITensor: Index Fusion Techniques and Computational Efficiency

In my exploration of the ED (Exact Diagonalization) technique using ITensor, I’ve encountered five distinct strategies outlined in discussions here:

  1. Jan’s approach: This involves creating a combiner that fuses all site indices into one and then contracting the Hamiltonian in one step, followed by eigen.
  2. ITensors’ binary tree approach: This strategy involves fusing MPO and initial MPS indices one by one using a “binary tree” method, followed by eigsolve.
  3. ITensors’ unbalanced tree approach: Similar to the binary tree approach, but using an “unbalanced tree” method instead, followed by eigsolve.
  4. Jan’s approach with link index fusion: Here, all MPO indices are contracted, followed by eigen.
  5. ITensors’ approach with link index fusion: Contract the links of MPO and MPS, followed by eigsolve.

Upon testing these approaches, I found that:

  • conserve_qns=true:
    • Indices fusion time: 2 < 3 < 4 \approx 5 < 1
    • Eigen time: 2 \approx 3 \ll 1 < 4 < 5
    • Total time: 2 < 3 < 1 < 4 < 5
  • conserve_qns=false:
    • Indices fusion time: 4\approx 5 < 1 \approx 2 < 3
    • Eigen time: 2 \approx 3 \ll 5 < 4 \approx 1
    • Total time: 2 < 3 < 5 < 4 \approx 1

My question is:

  1. Why is fusing one by one faster than fusing all in once? Even faster than only fusing link when using qn?
  2. What specific characteristics of the binary tree method make it the fastest among the strategies tested?
  3. Why does fusing physical sites significantly speed up eigsolve, regardless of whether quantum number conservation is considered or not?

My testing code is(adapted from here and here)

using ITensors, ITensorMPS
using KrylovKit
using LinearAlgebra
using MKL
using Strided
using BenchmarkTools



function heisenberg(n)
  os = OpSum()
  for j in 1:(n - 1)
    os += 1 / 2, "S+", j, "S-", j + 1
    os += 1 / 2, "S-", j, "S+", j + 1
    os += "Sz", j, "Sz", j + 1
  return os

# Sys.CPU_THREADS÷2 for physical cores
function main(n; blas_num_threads=Sys.CPU_THREADS÷2, fuse=true, fuse_detail="binary", qn=true)


  # Hilbert space
  s = siteinds("S=1/2", n; conserve_qns=qn)
  if qn
    println("Using quantum numbers")
    println("No quantum numbers")
  H = MPO(heisenberg(n), s)
  initstate(j) = isodd(j) ? "↑" : "↓"
  ψ0 = random_mps(s, initstate; linkdims=10)

  if fuse
    if fuse_detail == "oneGo"
      println("Fuse the indices using a full combiner, eigen")
      cb = combiner(s'...)
      cbp = combiner(dag(s)...)
      print("Fusion time: ")
      @disable_warn_order begin
        H_full = @btime contract($H) * $cb * $cbp
      print("Eigen time: ")
      @btime eigen($H_full, combinedind($cb), combinedind($cbp); ishermitian=true)
    elseif fuse_detail == "binary"
        println("Fuse the indices using a binary tree")
        T = fusion_tree_binary(s)
        print("Fusion(MPO) time: ")
        H_full = @btime fuse_inds_binary($H, $T)
        print("Fusion(MPS) time: ")
        ψ0_full = @btime fuse_inds_binary($ψ0, $T)
    elseif fuse_detail == "unbalances"
        println("Fuse the indices using an unbalances tree")
        T = fusion_tree(s)
        print("Fusion(MPO) time: ")
        H_full = @btime fuse_inds($H, $T)
        print("Fusion(MPS) time: ")
        ψ0_full = @btime fuse_inds($ψ0, $T)
    if fuse_detail == "oneGo"
      println("Don't fuse the indices, using eigen")
      print("Fusion time: ")
      @disable_warn_order begin
        H_full = @btime contract($H)
      print("Eigen time: ")
      @btime eigen($H_full, $s', dag($s); ishermitian=true)
      println("Don't fuse the indices")
      @disable_warn_order begin
        print("Fusion(MPO) time: ")
        H_full = @btime contract($H)
        print("Fusion(MPS) time: ")
        ψ0_full = @btime contract($ψ0)

  if !(fuse_detail == "oneGo")
    print("Eigsolve time: ")
    vals, vecs, info = @btime eigsolve(
      $H_full, $ψ0_full, 1, :SR; ishermitian=true, tol=1e-6, krylovdim=30, eager=true
# qn-enabled
main(12;fuse=true, fuse_detail="oneGo", qn=true)
main(12;fuse=true, fuse_detail="binary", qn=true)
main(12;fuse=true, fuse_detail="unbalances", qn=true)    
main(12;fuse=false, fuse_detail="oneGo", qn=true)        
main(12;fuse=false, fuse_detail="unbalances", qn=true)
# qn-disabled
main(12;fuse=true, fuse_detail="oneGo", qn=false)
main(12;fuse=true, fuse_detail="binary", qn=false)
main(12;fuse=true, fuse_detail="unbalances", qn=false)    
main(12;fuse=false, fuse_detail="oneGo", qn=false)        
main(12;fuse=false, fuse_detail="unbalances", qn=false)

And the results are:

Using quantum numbers
Fuse the indices using a full combiner, eigen
Fusion time:   1.085 s (17149695 allocations: 2.12 GiB)
Eigen time:   435.875 ms (2231 allocations: 167.00 MiB)
Using quantum numbers
Fuse the indices using a binary tree
Fusion(MPO) time:   17.828 ms (32979 allocations: 80.74 MiB)
Fusion(MPS) time:   201.200 μs (5663 allocations: 827.81 KiB)
Eigsolve time:   5.522 ms (81413 allocations: 8.33 MiB)
Using quantum numbers
Fuse the indices using an unbalances tree
Fusion(MPO) time:   48.329 ms (34647 allocations: 189.49 MiB)
Fusion(MPS) time:   115.900 μs (2939 allocations: 568.59 KiB)
Eigsolve time:   10.842 ms (86189 allocations: 8.87 MiB)
Using quantum numbers
Don't fuse the indices, using eigen
Fusion time:   75.049 ms (262683 allocations: 318.43 MiB)
Eigen time:   1.473 s (17316922 allocations: 2.16 GiB)
Using quantum numbers
Don't fuse the indices
Fusion(MPO) time:   130.517 ms (262683 allocations: 318.43 MiB)
Fusion(MPS) time:   1.502 ms (32489 allocations: 11.59 MiB)
Eigsolve time:   3.328 s (8056509 allocations: 2.31 GiB)
No quantum numbers
Fuse the indices using a full combiner, eigen
Fusion time:   208.746 ms (877 allocations: 810.92 MiB)
Eigen time:   6.271 s (311 allocations: 1.25 GiB)
No quantum numbers
Fuse the indices using a binary tree
Fusion(MPO) time:   99.222 ms (1550 allocations: 392.07 MiB)
Fusion(MPS) time:   39.800 μs (886 allocations: 288.69 KiB)
Eigsolve time:   144.600 ms (49954 allocations: 4.95 MiB)
No quantum numbers
Fuse the indices using an unbalances tree
Fusion(MPO) time:   326.049 ms (1483 allocations: 1.00 GiB)
Fusion(MPS) time:   53.400 μs (829 allocations: 444.03 KiB)
Eigsolve time:   168.598 ms (51376 allocations: 5.08 MiB)
No quantum numbers
Don't fuse the indices, using eigen
Fusion time:   114.034 ms (555 allocations: 554.84 MiB)
Eigen time:   7.940 s (820 allocations: 1.13 GiB)
No quantum numbers
Don't fuse the indices
Fusion(MPO) time:   113.643 ms (555 allocations: 554.84 MiB)
Fusion(MPS) time:   62.900 μs (363 allocations: 254.78 KiB)
Eigsolve time:   3.058 s (222698 allocations: 4.32 GiB)

Also, I’m not sure if it’s the right way to benchmark Julia code given its JIT features and something else.

These are all good questions. Essentially all of this comes down to details about the representation we use in ITensor of abelian symmetric tensors as n-dimensional block sparse tensors as well as how the index fusion is currently implemented.

At the moment, when the MPO is contracted without fusing any indices, it makes a very high dimensional block sparse tensor. This tensor has a lot of nonzero blocks. You can get the number of nonzero blocks with the function nzblocks, and you can see that it grows with the length of the MPO. Eventually, churning through this large number of nonzero blocks becomes the bottleneck of all of these operations. So basically, it is best to avoid constructing that very high dimensional tensor, which was my inspiration for fusing indices pairwise either with a balanced or unbalanced binary tree. I didn’t analyze carefully why one binary tree or another might be better but probably a balanced binary tree puts off constructing larger tensors for longer.

In summary, by fusing the indices as the MPO is contracted, we can avoid making any very high dimensional tensors at any given time, which means their are fewer nonzero blocks in the block sparse tensors to contend with. Again, try printing out the number of nonzero blocks with nzblocks in the different strategies and that will likely explain the performance of the different strategies.

This story may change quite a bit in future versions of ITensor. We are currently working on incorporating non-abelian symmetric tensors into ITensor. In that case, it is convenient to represent each individual tensor in a fused form, so internally n-dimensional tensors are stored as block sparse matrices and the computer keeps track that those matrices were formed from the fusion of the indices of the tensor. That means that even very high order tensors don’t have an explosion in the number of blocks like our current format has. It is a similar data format to the one that TensorKit.jl uses, and can also be used for abelian symmetric tensors. So with that format, explicitly fusing indices won’t be required, and I think we will be able to get reasonable performance for exact diagonalization by just contracting the MPO tensors together into one big tensor.

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Just a warning/heads up that those exact diagonalization examples were more meant as a personal experiment of mine to see how I could best implement exact diagonalization with the current tools available in ITensor. However, if someone finds them useful of course feel free to try them out.

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This explains everything perfectly. Thank you so much for making the code available, and for the
time/efforts to keep ITensors running and updated!