I am trying to write a piece of code which involves initializing entries of a matrix as dot products between ITensors. The code is shown below
function PerformDiis(R_iter_storage,p,T2_storage,R2_storage)
B = zeros(p+1,p+1)
Bpp = dot(R2_storage[p],R2_storage[p])
for i in 1:p
for j in 1:i
# B[i,j] = SquareDot(R_iter_storage[i],R_iter_storage[j])/Bpp
B[i,j] = dot(R2_storage[i],R2_storage[j])
B[j,i] = B[i,j]
# display(@views B[1:p,1:p])
B[p+1, 1:p] .= -1
B[1:p, p+1] .= -1
B[p+1, p+1] = 0
Id = zeros(p+1)
Id[p+1]= -1
C = B\Id
pop!(C) # As C[p+1] is the Lagrange multiplier
a_1, a_2, i_1, i_2 = inds(T2_storage[1])
t = ITensor(zeros(size(R_iter_storage[1])),a_1,a_2,i_1,i_2)
for i in 1:p
t = t + C[i].*T2_storage[i]
# display(B)
# display(C)
return (t)
However, the line that would compute the off diagonal term throws the error
ERROR: DimensionMismatch: In scalar(T) or T[], ITensor T is not a scalar (it has indices ((dim=2|id=485|"a_1"), (dim=2|id=158|"a_2"), (dim=4|id=164|"i_1"), (dim=4|id=50|"i_2"), (dim=2|id=442|"a_1"), (dim=2|id=841|"a_2"), (dim=4|id=773|"i_1"), (dim=4|id=57|"i_2"))).
[1] getindex
@ ~/.julia/packages/ITensors/2Xz5q/src/itensor.jl:873 [inlined]
[2] dot(A::ITensor, B::ITensor)
@ ITensors ~/.julia/packages/ITensors/2Xz5q/src/itensor.jl:1932
[3] PerformDiis(R_iter_storage::Vector{ITensor}, p::Int64, T2_storage::Vector{ITensor}, R2_storage::Vector{ITensor})
@ Main ~/Desktop/Andreas/phase_2/julia-code/ccd/itensors/ccd-helper.jl:448
[4] ccd_by_hand(maxitr::Int64)
@ Main ~/Desktop/Andreas/phase_2/julia-code/ccd/itensors/ccd.jl:65
[5] macro expansion
@ ./timing.jl:279 [inlined]
[6] top-level scope
@ ~/Desktop/Andreas/phase_2/julia-code/ccd/itensors/ccd.jl:92
I guess that this is happening because even though the dimension of the ITensor
and R2_storage[j]
are the same, the memory location of their indices are different. Even though the names of the indices are same in both cases a_1,a_2,a_3,a_4
. How can I possibly fix this error? As the dimensions are all same, can I make all them use the same indices so that I can do the dot product?