As the title says, when running the following code in Julia:
using ITensors, ITensorMPS, MKL
N = 12
g = 1.05
sites = siteinds("S=1/2", N)
os = OpSum()
for j=1:N
os += -4,"Sz",j,"Sz",j%N+1
os += 2*g,"Sx",j;
H = MPO(os, sites)
H_full = contract(H);
evt, Vt = eigen(H_full; ishermitian=true);
The program will give the wrong decomposition result, and norm(H_full-Vt’evtVt) !≈0.
I repeated the above error in computers using AMD 7840hs and 5900x.
Does it work with another backend, like OpenBLAS?
Also, how far off is it? What is the error?
The OpenBLAS works fine, the norm given by OpenBLAS is 1.2327681181461817e-12. The MKL gives 281.4977875674409.
Interesting, thanks for the update. I’m not sure if there is much we can do about that since that sounds like a bug in MKL. You could convert that ITensor to a Julia Matrix, save it in a transferable file format (maybe with HDF5.jl or as a delimited file), and report it as a bug to Julia’s MKL wrapper (GitHub - JuliaLinearAlgebra/MKL.jl: Intel MKL linear algebra backend for Julia) or raise it as an issue on Intel’s user forum: Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library - Intel Community.
You could also try other versions of MKL as described here: GitHub - JuliaLinearAlgebra/MKL.jl: Intel MKL linear algebra backend for Julia to see if it is an issue particular to a certain version of MKL.
Finally, could you share the output of versioninfo()
here so I can see what system and Julia version you are using?
Does it change anything if you set ishermitian=false
? That would call a different LAPACK routine so it would at least narrow down the issue a little bit.
Also, after you convert the ITensor to a Julia Matrix, you could try calling LinearAlgebra.eigen
directly on that Julia Matrix (either wrapping it in Symmetric
or not wrapping it to try out different LAPACK eigendecomposition backends), just to rule out the possibility that it is somehow related to the ITensor code wrapping the eigendecomposition.