Bug in multiplying MPOs and tracing MPOs

Hi admin,

I would like to implement a code that, given an MPS | \psi_{MPS} \rangle, and assuming that I have correctly obtained density matrix \rho = | \psi \rangle \langle \psi | and the reduced density operator \rho_A for some bipartition A/B (I use 60 sites below and use exactly half bipartition), calculate the quantity

Tr( \rho_{A, Q}^2 ) = \int_{- 2 \pi}^{2 \pi} d \lambda ( - \frac{| \lambda |}{(2 \pi)^2} + \frac{1}{2 \pi} ) Tr( \rho_A e^{i \lambda Q} \rho_A e^{- i \lambda Q} )

where Q = \sum_{i=1}^{L_A -1} \sigma_i^z \sigma_{i+1}^z should ideally be an MPO so that we can apply its exponential to the reduced density matrix \rho_A effectively.

I have 2 questions:
(1) I have error when I’m trying to apply MPOs e^{i \lambda \sigma_i^z \sigma^z_{i+1}} to \rho_A. I think I cast both of them as MPOs but I suspect my code earlier might have error.

(2) For full trace, is there a built in function in iTensor Julia that takes in a final MPO and spits out the trace?

(3) Is my way, i.e., orthogonalize and then contract (for both reduced density operator and full trace) the most efficient way?

The code:

# (1) Construct Half Chain Reduced Density Matrix via contraction
# Orthogonalize so that we are in left-right canonical form
orthogonalize!(psi, 30)
# Density matrix as outer product of mixed canonical MPS
rho = outer(psi', psi)
sites = siteinds(rho)
L = ITensor(1.0)
for i=31:N
        # Need to check if delta is needed here
        L *= rho[i] * delta(sites[i][1], sites[i][2])
        # This printing check no of indices as sanity check
        # @show inds(L)
        # pause()
# Absorb the partial trace result to site 30
rho[30] *= L
# Cast the partial traced rho into MPO form
 rho_reduced = MPO(30)
 for i=1:30
     rho_reduced[i] = rho[i]
# (2) Calculate Half Chain Symmetry Resolved Renyi Entropy
# via numerical integration
 Renyi_Sym = 0.0
 lambda = -2*pi
 prev_tr = 0.0
 curr_tr = 0.0
 new_rho_reduced = copy(rho_reduced)
# k = No of integration steps/splits
for k=1:101
    # Apply exponential of Q operator to rho_reduced for lambda
    # via rho_A e^(-i lambda Q) rho_A e^(i lambda Q)
    temp1_rho_reduced = deepcopy(rho_reduced)
    temp2_rho_reduced = deepcopy(rho_reduced)
    # Apply MPO of e^{i sigma^z_i sigma^z_{i+1}} for sites in A
    for alpha=1:29
        s1 = s[alpha]
        s2 = s[alpha+1]
        os = 4 * op("Sz", s1) * op("Sz", s2)
        szszp = exp(1.0im * lambda * os)
        szszm = exp(-1.0im * lambda * os)
        SzSzp = MPO([szszp])
        SzSzm = MPO([szszm])
        # Error here
        temp1_rho_reduced = apply(SzSzp, temp1_rho_reduced)
        temp2_rho_reduced = apply(SzSzm, temp2_rho_reduced)
    new_rho_reduced = apply(temp1_rho_reduced, temp2_rho_reduced)
    orthogonalize!(new_rho_reduced, 30)
    temp_sites = siteinds(new_rho_reduced)
    # Full trace for lambda
    for site=1:30
        new_rho_reduced[site] = new_rho_reduced[site] * delta(temp_sites[site][1], temp_sites[site][2])
    curr_tr = (- (abs(lambda)/(2*pi)^2) + (1/(2*pi)))*(new_rho_reduced)

    # Perform trapezoid integration
    if k>1
        Renyi_Sym += 0.5*(prev_tr + curr_tr)*((2*pi)/50)
    # Update
    lambda += (2*pi)/100
    prev_tr = curr_tr
Renyi_Sym = - log2(Renyi_Sym)

Sorry for the very slow reply from us. (One tip also about asking questions on here is to just ask them one at a time.)

About question (2): yes, you can use the function tr to trace an MPO. It was not documented so I have just submitted a PR on Github to add documentation for it.

When you ask if (3) is the most efficient way, what objective are you referring to? (I.e. most efficient way to do which thing?)

Hi Miles, thanks for the reply. I managed to resolve the bug, after being careful with priming the outer products, contracts, etc. Now looking back I realised question (3) makes no sense.
I ended up using tr function like you said, though I will also appreciate a documentation of the tr function.