Hi admin,
I would like to implement a code that, given an MPS | \psi_{MPS} \rangle, and assuming that I have correctly obtained density matrix \rho = | \psi \rangle \langle \psi | and the reduced density operator \rho_A for some bipartition A/B (I use 60 sites below and use exactly half bipartition), calculate the quantity
where Q = \sum_{i=1}^{L_A -1} \sigma_i^z \sigma_{i+1}^z should ideally be an MPO so that we can apply its exponential to the reduced density matrix \rho_A effectively.
I have 2 questions:
(1) I have error when I’m trying to apply MPOs e^{i \lambda \sigma_i^z \sigma^z_{i+1}} to \rho_A. I think I cast both of them as MPOs but I suspect my code earlier might have error.
(2) For full trace, is there a built in function in iTensor Julia that takes in a final MPO and spits out the trace?
(3) Is my way, i.e., orthogonalize and then contract (for both reduced density operator and full trace) the most efficient way?
The code:
# (1) Construct Half Chain Reduced Density Matrix via contraction
# Orthogonalize so that we are in left-right canonical form
orthogonalize!(psi, 30)
# Density matrix as outer product of mixed canonical MPS
rho = outer(psi', psi)
sites = siteinds(rho)
L = ITensor(1.0)
for i=31:N
# Need to check if delta is needed here
L *= rho[i] * delta(sites[i][1], sites[i][2])
# This printing check no of indices as sanity check
# @show inds(L)
# pause()
# Absorb the partial trace result to site 30
rho[30] *= L
# Cast the partial traced rho into MPO form
rho_reduced = MPO(30)
for i=1:30
rho_reduced[i] = rho[i]
# (2) Calculate Half Chain Symmetry Resolved Renyi Entropy
# via numerical integration
Renyi_Sym = 0.0
lambda = -2*pi
prev_tr = 0.0
curr_tr = 0.0
new_rho_reduced = copy(rho_reduced)
# k = No of integration steps/splits
for k=1:101
# Apply exponential of Q operator to rho_reduced for lambda
# via rho_A e^(-i lambda Q) rho_A e^(i lambda Q)
temp1_rho_reduced = deepcopy(rho_reduced)
temp2_rho_reduced = deepcopy(rho_reduced)
# Apply MPO of e^{i sigma^z_i sigma^z_{i+1}} for sites in A
for alpha=1:29
s1 = s[alpha]
s2 = s[alpha+1]
os = 4 * op("Sz", s1) * op("Sz", s2)
szszp = exp(1.0im * lambda * os)
szszm = exp(-1.0im * lambda * os)
SzSzp = MPO([szszp])
SzSzm = MPO([szszm])
# Error here
temp1_rho_reduced = apply(SzSzp, temp1_rho_reduced)
temp2_rho_reduced = apply(SzSzm, temp2_rho_reduced)
new_rho_reduced = apply(temp1_rho_reduced, temp2_rho_reduced)
orthogonalize!(new_rho_reduced, 30)
temp_sites = siteinds(new_rho_reduced)
# Full trace for lambda
for site=1:30
new_rho_reduced[site] = new_rho_reduced[site] * delta(temp_sites[site][1], temp_sites[site][2])
curr_tr = (- (abs(lambda)/(2*pi)^2) + (1/(2*pi)))*(new_rho_reduced)
# Perform trapezoid integration
if k>1
Renyi_Sym += 0.5*(prev_tr + curr_tr)*((2*pi)/50)
# Update
lambda += (2*pi)/100
prev_tr = curr_tr
Renyi_Sym = - log2(Renyi_Sym)